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Currently running Windows 2024 UltraPAK and thinking of moving to Macbook. Does this require full repurchase of current BIAB package?
Thank you!
Moving from Windows to Macintosh requires repurchase of the program. Windows RealTracks are in stored in Windows Media WMA file format. Mac does not support the WMA file format however it does support the WAV file format. Free utility programs are available that can convert WMA files to WAV. As far as I know, everything else should work.
Gotcha. I looked around PG site hoping I could just switch when I upgraded but not seeing any mention was the first clue.
When switching from Windows to Mac you can "crossgrade" to the Mac version for as little as $79 (you do not need to purchase a "First-time" package again)
This is disgustingly cheap. I have been a loyal customer since the mid-‘80’s and have brought you myriads of additional customers. Now you charge us for a crossgrade?! (Finale simply granted me one. Much more professional. I will be sending more people to them, but not to PG Music. I think I will avoid BIAB for a good long time. No more high recommendations.
Originellement posté par BabzColl
This is disgustingly cheap. I have been a loyal customer since the mid-‘80’s and have brought you myriads of additional customers. Now you charge us for a crossgrade?! (Finale simply granted me one. Much more professional. I will be sending more people to them, but not to PG Music. I think I will avoid BIAB for a good long time. No more high recommendations.

Good luck and have fun!
79 is a gift since the ultrapak costs 469. But some prefer to see the glass half empty, as always...

as ive worked on the developer side of the fence for many years 80 bucks seems very very reasonable. so i agree with you.
from a tech perspective i would think there is a non trivial cost offering a mac version...and i assume in various language versions ?
and lets consider also the cost of delivery mechanisms ?...
then there is on going code base maintenance and adding new features cost.

we used to have lots of users in industry go...
'but its just a simple xyz xtra feature i need...'
so i used to sit them down with the coders and see that what the user thought was simple...actually involved lots of work.
and every time...really every time...they would go...
'oh goodness i never realsed...thought it was a five minute job'

as a long term pg user...sometimes i have a critique....but this isnt one of them. crikey...when i first moved to powertracks years ago which cost a couple of burgers and still does...i thought i was in heaven haveing saved 200 bucks for a reel of 2 inch 24 track tape plus i got double the track count on each song.

for anyone reading this...if you think the job of a developer is a 'walk in the park' ...just take assembler and c++ programming courses..
and youll realise that its remarkable how much value for money pg products are.

now to my the new wonderfull biab tracks view so i can do all audio and midi editing in it..and i'll be soooo happy.

happiness to all.

om 🇨🇦 🇬🇧
You've got enough followers that will pay any price for the product, to "upgrade" the same program to a different platform, etc. and you figure you have earned it with all of the code you've written. Maybe. But charge AFTER you work out all of the numerous flaws. Also have a loyalty program for customers that have been with you for more than 30 years... It's kind of like a Senior benefit for Senior patrons who have supported and done a lot of word-of-mouth advertising over the DECADES. It all evens out. Believe me.
Originally Posted by BabzColl
You've got enough followers that will pay any price for the product, to "upgrade" the same program to a different platform, etc. and you figure you have earned it with all of the code you've written. Maybe. But charge AFTER you work out all of the numerous flaws. Also have a loyalty program for customers that have been with you for more than 30 years... It's kind of like a Senior benefit for Senior patrons who have supported and done a lot of word-of-mouth advertising over the DECADES. It all evens out. Believe me.

There are way too many differences between the Mac and Windows versions of BIAB for a simple lacense swap and download to just work.
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