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(other users feel free to add your own comments re this topic.)

A..Likes. tracks view concept. brilliant/love the concept.
2..loving nearly instant rt track generation. on my powerhouse ryzen mini pc ive never had such speed. kudos to the pg coders.
3..multipicker. Once again fantastic. makes things lots easier.
I think of it like my local library. amazingly useful in song creation.

overall comment. i would love to see the new tracks view concept expanded so i can use it as my only work center and thus saving me lots of time flitting between different music production apps. as well as save me flitting tween many different dialogs and views. ie new tracks view would be my recording and editing track generation and mixing of audio and midi tracks work center.
if the above came about and the track count was expanded to 48 tracks…I would be in song creation heaven and wouldnt need any other music creation apps. i typically max use 40 tracks like i was schooled by a producer once in la la land…
and a smattering of low pc usage plugins…his thinking which i subscribe to being…
'If you can't do a great song in 40 tracks maybe you should revisit the song concept'.

B..Aspects needing attention imho.
1..i would like to see addressed the fact that i have to look all over bb to do editing of tracks. I would like to see a similar concept to pg realband.
eg highlight and right click edit menu appears. Other daws also use this approach.
2..I would also like to see a problem with the bb audio edit view be addressed.
The basic problem is it's a one track at a time editor view.
a one trick pony.
this makes things difficult when trying to edit a track in context with all ones other tracks.
imho the new tracks view would be ideal for sophisticated editing of tracks as one can see all one's other tracks in context.
3..a slight gripe. on the left of new tracks view the ability to add plugins instead of having to bring up the older mixer view.
4..if one agrees with me that over time the new track view should be a one view song creation center then this means that some existing features/views wouldnt be needed anymore. eg current mixer and one track pony audio edit views.
with careful implemention also i suggest various old legacy dialogs/menus wouldnt be
needed anymore.
5..One problem for new users imho is the learning cycle of bb and rb together.
imho the learning cycle could be reduced in a major way if there was more commonality of procedures between bb and rb.

wrap up.
anyway that's it for me. other users feel free to add your own comments as i am sure ive missed some likes/aspects and will chide myself for missing something.

a great 2024 to all.

om 🇨🇦 🇬🇧
I hope that if I drag and drop a song to analyze the guitar rhythm, it will help me find a similar guitar rhythm in RealTracks
I think it's all going the way you are suggesting, the Tracks view is where a lot of improvements will take place including editable chord track, vol, pan etc... automation, direct midi clip edit.
With more tracks it would be using more RAM, if they can get the compressed source media to play direct would help, being able to attach compressed files to the SGU without converting them to wav. I made up with wma attached but as soon as you open it they convert to wav.
Is the bbw2 in RealBand using the quicker CPU utilization generate method now ?
re bb2024 vs rb2024 gen speed.

bb wins out over rb. no thumb twiddling.
but a crafty trick i use in vocal track development is if ive used bb for bed tracks…cos fast for testing session musicians/pg content then i mix the beds down to stereo and import into rb where i do my vocal tests and development cos i have the luxury of oodles of tracks plus now in rb i can comp final vocals easier. In addition there are oodles of crafty drum tricks one can do in rb for drum tracks.
For me its all a question of using the strengths of both bb and rb.
I would be very happy if rb acted like bb viz gens.

rb is now getting so good i can smell it. ive made many recommendations re rb whereby if implemented rb would be amazing imho.
ie top class daw. slay the market.
so many tricks for a new pg user to discover in not just bb but also rb.
whatever the music app gotta put in the work…lol.



re rhythm. excellent idea.
Let's extend it. eg import a song and useing AI bb recommends best style and pg content to use.
but maybe it cant be done at the tech level ?
also as it stands now i believe bb needs a slim down
and consolidation but keeping the features bb users love.
but thats just me. redo bb in assembler code ...yippee just haveing fun.
Good requests but heads up....
As pointed out with my "Workflow Video Series" originally posted here (for more eyes), "improvements requests discussions" need to be posted only in the "Wish List" forum.

PGM then quickly moved my post to the wish list forum (less eyes). wink
How to fix RB once and for all:
Play compressed/uncompressed source files direct without having to convert everything to wav when importing and editing, non destructive editing a must, and the generate time will be instant as there is no need to generate and render down to wav files in the temp folder then load in the tracks, as in the new Reaper PLUGIN they will be BANG instantly in.
Frozen Biab SGU will instantly load all tracks or selected track/s into RB
It will work the same way as the Tracks view in Biab with Riff Editing.
You have RealTime Signatures in RB it just needs the RealTracks for them, I did post ways to get Real Time Signatures to match a DAW using the PLUGIN with UserTracks but that caused all sorts of fights as real time signatures are a dirty word around here frown
If this was done 15 years ago I would not still be here now frown

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Dang to bad they didn't get that done back then! LOL just kidding Sir PipeCity. I agree with you on the time sigs. I hope that gets some love going forward. I also agree that the tracks view is where the development will flourish. Your spot on on that one as well. I'm not totally ready to give up on RB it does need some love, but it is still in current state a pretty powerful Program. Modern track and file handling is vital going forward as you stated. We have seem it is possible, so let's see what we can coax the powers to be to do going forward.
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