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Posted By: JTvD songlist - 06/10/10 05:50 PM
Hello ..

I have ask the same question on the dutch site bud now one is there for a while

So i tried it here
I have a question about BIAB.
I have made for many songs the chords and the sound nice but i would like to run the cords with songtext at the same time

i kwon tha's this is possible in BIAB ..
I play along with the guitar and now i read the songtext from a paper and mus read the BIAB chords from the screen..
can someone help how i run the cords with songtext at the same time together on one screen..

Thanks ..

Posted By: WillM Re: songlist - 06/10/10 06:47 PM
Hello JTvD,

If what you're looking for is something that lets you view the lyrics and chords at the same time, you may want to try the Big Lyrics window. If you enter note/bar-based lyrics, they will light up as the song progresses.

Entering note/bar-based lyrics is a pretty simple process; hit Ctrl + L to start lyric entry and you'll be able to enter lyrics per note, just type the lyric and press enter. Press Ctrl + the left and right arrows to move back and forth between notes.

If you don't have a melody track entered you can still use Ctrl + L, just click on the bar you want to enter your lyrics at.

Hope that helps!
Posted By: Lloyd S Re: songlist - 06/10/10 06:51 PM

There are actually a couple of ways to show both the chords and the words.
You can open up a song "note" window (sorry I'm not at my BIAB PC so this is "general" info).
Then move it to (say) the upper right-hand corner of the BIAB window, make it just large enough so that it doesn't cover the chord grid,
and just type in the text (lyrics) that you need.

Problem is, you can't make the box very big or it will cover up your chord grid.
Either the song has to be short or you can just type in a few key words to help you remember the full song text.

For example:

Jingle bells .... Oh what fun... etc.

The other way is to enter the lyrics into the "Karaoke" or "Buskers" window (again, not sure where exactly).

Then it will come out like

[C] Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way
[F] Oh what fun it [C] is to ride .... etc.

and it will scroll as the song progresses.

The drawback here is that you likely won't be able to view the chord grid at the same time.

Let us know if you can't get these to work.
Someone sitting at their BIAB PC will be able to step you through it.

Good luck!
Posted By: JTvD Re: songlist - 06/28/10 08:45 PM
Sorry for the late anwser whe where on a holliday...

I have treid the way above bud..
I don't know where to start?

If this is posible.. is is ok.. thats the same way i have on the songpapers..
[C] Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way
[F] Oh what fun it [C] is to ride .... etc.

Regards JTvD
Posted By: JTvD Re: songlist - 07/01/10 08:06 PM

wil someone help me to set te songtext and cords like this
[C] Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way
[F] Oh what fun it [C] is to ride .... etc.

Posted By: Rob Helms Re: songlist - 07/01/10 08:18 PM
The easy way is to do the work in a program called cakewalk. It has a easy version called Music Creator you can purchase and download. The thing here it that you can turn a regular midi file into a Karaoke file and save it and that will play in RB or PTPA.

I will look for the instructions for that process they are around somewhere.
Posted By: Rob Helms Re: songlist - 07/01/10 08:55 PM
here are the directions to add lyrics to a midi file in cakewalk
Posted By: JTvD Re: songlist - 07/02/10 08:36 PM

I don't understand..
I want to put cords and lyrics in BIAB..
Bud this is a diferent programm
Can i use this in BIAB?
Posted By: BarryKJ Re: songlist - 07/03/10 04:41 PM
The Jingle Bells examples showing the chords in brackets are similar to the ChoPro formatting of lyrics and text. If you type the lyrics into the lyrics box, you can manually type the bracketed chords there as well (or use the method with the Karaoke example above). Then you can make the lyrics window as big as you like because the chords you need are there in the brackets so you don't need to see the chord window in BIAB. I have not done this myself, but it sounds like it would work for what you want it to do.
Good luck.
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