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Posted By: kaeote newbie bewildered - 08/05/10 02:58 PM
I captured a jazz piece with the audio chord wizard. the wizard neatly mapped out 235 bars. when I 'sent it to BIAB' the first time I got 2 bars highlighted and do what I may it won't play beyond that. the second time I opted not to set bar 1 and got 20 bars highlighted and it wouldn't play beyond that?????? I opened setting for song and unticked 'generate 2nd ending' and then only had 1 bar highlighted and it wouldn't play beyond that?????
Oddly I had already several songs with the audio chord wizard prior to this that worked just fine, now it won't do anything else.

the learning curve on this program is beyond steep.

Posted By: Ryszard Re: newbie bewildered - 08/05/10 04:45 PM
First, welcome to the community. You're in the right place. I don't have an answer for your specific issue. Be patient. Someone will be along soon.

Regarding the learning curve: I think we all buy the program for a certain purpose and then are astonished to find that it will do so much more. This has become far more true over time. My advice there is to stay focused on a particular task or goal. Take notes as you go along. The documentation can be a little opaque at times, but the information is almost always there. And then there are the forums.

Again, welcome, and good luck. I think you will find that it is all worth it.

Posted By: Matt Finley Re: newbie bewildered - 08/05/10 04:53 PM
Welcome, kaeote. I do not use the ACW so I also do not know the solution for you, but there is one tip that might work. If the BIAB program ever stops working the way it should, go to Opt, Return to Factory Settings. If you have version 2010 or newer, it will first give you the opportunity to save any custom settings to a file.

Often, this little trick resolves odd problems.
Posted By: kaeote Re: newbie bewildered - 08/05/10 04:59 PM
Thanks for the reply,
I bought BIAB so I could practice improv over chords with bass and drum or to practice comping with bass and drums. so i am finding the practice window very useful and then I discovered the ACW which is great and worked fine until today.

great program, like you said, much more than I imagined.

Posted By: Matt Finley Re: newbie bewildered - 08/05/10 05:20 PM
It's the "much more than I imagined" part that makes the learning curve necessary, but at least it's always fun! I don't think any of us know everything in the program, but that's what this forum is for, along with PG Music Support. You should call them if you do not get your answer here in a day or so.
Posted By: BarryKJ Re: newbie bewildered - 08/05/10 05:59 PM
What do you mean by 'highlighted' bars?
Posted By: Danny C. Re: newbie bewildered - 08/05/10 09:11 PM
No more help here other than whats been suggest above but I did want to add another welcome to the forum and of course the software. I have been using for quite a few years now and still find new and exciting things BIAB will do, and like you I am back on step one regarding the learning curve.

Hang in there help will arrive shortly as we have some pretty savvy members who hang out here.

Posted By: Mac Re: newbie bewildered - 08/06/10 02:20 AM
First thing to try when BiaB doesn't do things as it is supposed to do is a Reboot of the machine. Yeah, sometimes we have to get those resources back, put all the ducks in a row again.

If that doesn't do it, second thing to try is inside BiaB -> Options -> Return to Factory Settings. Try the first button there first. If no joy, then try the second button, which will also reset the soundcard and MIDI device section.

Give those a try in that order, they solve a large percentage of problems, if they don't, report back here.

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