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Posted By: Philsaxophone Help with a Chord - 10/03/10 07:51 AM

I am trying to get BinaB to play a specific chord from a version of "This Masquerade" I have

Its Gm7(add11) C,D,F,G,Bb

I cant seem to be able to enter this via the keyboard or the chord builder

My chord theory is probably lacking--is there another way to enter this chord


Posted By: Noel96 Re: Help with a Chord - 10/03/10 08:52 AM
Hi Phil,

This chord doesn't seem to be in the chords available to BIAB. You could try Bb2/G (Bb-D-F-C on a G bass). There's no real need to have G in the chord as well as in the bass. Alternatively, Bb69/G could also potentially do the job (Bb-D-F-G-C on G bass). These chords will give you all the notes you want and having the G bass should give the Gm sound you are after. It's worth a shot.

Good luck,
Posted By: Philsaxophone Re: Help with a Chord - 10/03/10 09:44 AM
Hi Noel

Tx for that, I'll give it a try

I thought I read somewhere in the manual that you can make your own chords--perhaps not odd ones

BTW, Just went and listened to your songs--Good stuff


Posted By: Noel96 Re: Help with a Chord - 10/03/10 09:52 AM
Hey Phil,

Thanks for the positive feedback regarding my songs.

What you might have read in the manual is that you can create your own shortcuts to chords. As for the chords that are available to be used, that's under the control of the BIAB programmers. I've usually found though, that with a bit of creative thinking, it's possible to find suitable substitutes. Often, the full chord extension doesn't have to be played because the melody note is the note that is responsible for the extension. For example, in your chord above, it's possible that the harmonic base is really a Gm7 but the melody plays a C. The person/program that named the chord, then considered all options and concluded that the was a Gm7(add 11). In this hypothetical case, there would be no need to play the full chord because the melody takes care of it; thus a Gm7 would suffice.

All the best with "This Masquerade". It's a great song.

Posted By: Philsaxophone Re: Help with a Chord - 10/03/10 10:57 AM
Hi Noel

You are absolutely correct that the melody note is C in that bar!!!

How the hell do you guys who play multi-note instrumenst learn all this stuff

I'm just glad I play a Saxophone--one note at a time is enough for me


Posted By: Matt Finley Re: Help with a Chord - 10/03/10 01:34 PM
Phil, you can enter Gm11 in BIAB. You'll also get the ninth (an A) sounding, but that shouldn't pose a problem in the song.
Posted By: Philsaxophone Re: Help with a Chord - 10/04/10 06:25 AM
Thanks Guys for all you help

Both Noel's and Matt's solution worked

Now sounds fine with the C note minim in the bar

Very difficult to tell the two solutions apart even through a good soundcard and PA


Posted By: Matt Finley Re: Help with a Chord - 10/04/10 11:53 PM
Phil, don't forget that you can 'audition' a chord by positioning your cursor on it in the Chorsdsheet Window, and pressing Shift+Enter. Doing this repeatedly will cycle through different inversions and voicing. While what you are hearing is a MIDI rendering, it is very helpful in determining which of two chords is truly the one you want.
Posted By: FirstBassman Re: Help with a Chord - 10/07/10 08:00 PM

Unfortunatley I have found that there are a lot chords that can't be entered into BiaB.

An item for the wish list . . .
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