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Posted By: Art01 Installing Band-in-a-Box 11 Pro to Windows 7 - 12/29/10 10:57 PM
I have Band-in-a-Box 11 Pro. This version was written for Windows 3.1 and Windows 95. I am now running Windows 7 Professional on a 64-Bit machine and I cannot install this program. I have tried the Windows 95 Compativbility Mode, but the Setup.exe file is still not recognized as compatible.

Has anyone been successful in installing and running Band-in-a-Box 11 Pro under Windows 7?

Thanks in advance for help?

That was quite a while ago, but I *think* the PRO version was for Mac, not Windows. I could be wrong. Searching Band-in-a-Bax 11 Pro on this site shows a version for Mac OS9

I think the regular windows version lacked the word 'pro', and was just Band-in-a-Box 11.
I'm on Win7 64-bit Pro as well and just for the heck of it I digged out my old BiaB 11 CD. My pc won't even recognise it. Says "Disc doesn't contain a recognisable filesystem". The next in line - BiaB 12 - shows up fine, so I think it's time for an upgrade, Art.



Just FYI : My BiaB 11 cd says "Pro Upgrade +" and it's for windows. It's been a while for sure

BIAB version 11 was introduced in December, 2001. Windows XP was introduced in August 2001, so try that emulation.

In any event, Art, you should definitely upgrade. The program now is a world apart from what it was then.
I found MS word the other day. 19 diskettes. Won't load either. Bummer.

I wanted a free upgrade but they won't budge. I was even a registered user.
I also believe that v11 was 16bit & v12 went to 32bit
^ Knows his bits, but careful he bites!!!
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