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Posted By: RodM 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/01/11 01:12 PM
It's getting to be that time of year! I can't wait for even MORE real tracks and features. Maybe some new MIDI styles too?

Posted By: vishnu Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/01/11 08:28 PM
do we get the 2011.5 updates free?
Posted By: vishnu Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/01/11 08:33 PM
is that how it works....there is a new retail release every year and the 1/2 yearly update we get free?

what did you guys pay for the update from 2010 to the new BIAB 2011?
Posted By: Kemmrich Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/01/11 10:06 PM
I believe the mid-term BIAB/RB update (2011 to 2011.5) is free -- it has been in the past. But if you want the realdrum/realtrack updates, then you have to pay a reasonable fee. It has always seemed like a fair deal to me -- although I don't always get the mid-year RT updates (but I always really, really want them!!).

Posted By: Matt Finley Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/01/11 10:16 PM
Of course, don't forget, there are no promises that the way it was done in the past will continue unchanged.
Posted By: musiclover Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/02/11 04:42 PM
I would think at this very moment in time all the beta testers are busy figuring out any bugs in 2011.5

Posted By: Donsta Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/02/11 11:42 PM
Has there been an invite for beta testers? I didn't see one but I'm not here every day.
Posted By: DrDan Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/03/11 06:26 PM

Has there been an invite for beta testers? I didn't see one but I'm not here every day.

I think it is by closed invitation only and based on a persons number of posts in the forum. You may have a while since I have not yet seen anything come my way.. <see my sig. - I really have no idea just my wierd sense of humor today and I am trying to run up my forum post number to get an invite >
Posted By: Matt Finley Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/03/11 06:42 PM
I have no idea what the criteria for beta tester selection is, but I am fairly confident it is not based on the number of forum posts. No need to 'run up' the post count.

Dan, I think you were kidding, anyway. Your posts are always ones of substance.
Posted By: ZeroZero Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/03/11 07:06 PM
Some questions have been asked by PG about Asio, so I hope they sort out the Asio and VST issues.
Posted By: Mac Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/04/11 12:45 PM
Keep your eyes peeled on the mainpage of towards September, which has been around the time that pgmusic posts there asking for new beta testers to sign up.

It has nothing at all to do with forum posts.

Posted By: Danny C. Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/05/11 01:24 AM
I thought it was based on the color of one's eyes.
Posted By: John Conley Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/05/11 11:56 AM
Never had any ASIO issues once I switched to MME.

I did write a book on ASIO for dummies (me).

It goes like this:

Front Page: ASIO for Dummies

Inside: Copywrite J. D. Conley 2002

Chapter 1. The Beginning
I tried ASIO for one month. I lost my mind. I lost my hair. I became obsessed.

Chapter 2. The Switch
I dumped ASIO for MME. It worked. I really had a nice keyboard and I didn't need to play another synth, I chucked the midi in cable in the cable bin and left it there.

Chapter 3. Utopia
Everything works and is predictable.

Chapter 4. Review
Don't try it. It might work. It probably won't. Ask WHY?


Please send X$ to me because you now realize that ASIO is truly ...for dummies. I've been there and got the t-shirt. But my wife makes me wear the other one that says:

You don't want that.
You don't need that.
We are not going there.

If you are not yet married, print the above out and post it as a reminder.

If you do take the plunge look for someone about 12 years younger with nursing skills and culinary ability.

(No Women were intentionally harmed in the construction of the aforementioned post.)
{She already left for work}
Posted By: Donsta Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/05/11 01:09 PM


Has there been an invite for beta testers? I didn't see one but I'm not here every day.

I think it is by closed invitation only and based on a persons number of posts in the forum. You may have a while since I have not yet seen anything come my way.. <see my sig. - I really have no idea just my wierd sense of humor today and I am trying to run up my forum post number to get an invite >

If they did ask me to be a beta tester I'd think they had no criteria for choosing one. Despite uing Biab for many years and updating at least once a year I mostly use Biab as the worlds coolest metronome.
Posted By: jazzmammal Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/05/11 09:02 PM
Quote: wife makes me wear the other one that says:

You don't want that.
You don't need that.
We are not going there.

If you are not yet married, print the above out and post it as a reminder.

This is the hardest lesson for younger guys to learn. It took me a long time I'll tell ya that but everything is cool now.

The secret to a happy marriage? Do what the wife wants.

As one of the old time bluesmen said years ago "if the lady of the house ain't happy, ain't nobody happy".

Guys think they're giving up their manhood or something. A sincere woman won't take advantage of that, well, usually anyway (who's perfect, eh?) you're not going to be 'whipped and that's the real lesson.

Posted By: Mac Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/05/11 11:13 PM
The secret to a long and happy marriage is to always let the man have the last word.

And the last word is always, "Yes, dear!"

Posted By: silvertones Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/06/11 11:29 AM
It looks like it will not be free this year.
Posted By: musiclover Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/06/11 03:46 PM

It looks like it will not be free this year.

Looks like you are right John, no free program update, ah well

Posted By: Kemmrich Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/06/11 04:00 PM

It looks like it will not be free this year.

Bad idea and bad precedence.

Posted By: musiclover Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/06/11 04:45 PM


It looks like it will not be free this year.

Bad idea and bad precedence.


Having bought 2011 and given quite a bit of money to PG over this number of years I was actually looking forward to the free mid year upgrade of the program though I do realise that the new realtracks cost extra.

But I guess its PG's call at the end of the day, but still feeling that bit disappointed.

Posted By: Danny C. Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/06/11 05:04 PM
Maybe I look at look at things like this a bit differently, but my feeling is that "I am not "giving" PG Music money" but I am purchasing a product that I feel is well worth the price charged. I agree free would be nice but I also adhere to the old addage, "there is no such thing as a free lunch". Someone has to pay the price, either sooner or later but you can book it isn't free..

I think back to the "old days" when Jack Daniel used to advertise "All Goods Worth Price Charged". So far I feel the same about PG Music.

Posted By: jazzmammal Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/06/11 05:18 PM
2010.5 was the only free one that I can remember and that was because there was not a whole lot to it. 2011.5 is a much bigger deal with a major and very cool new mixer plus the new RT's require 2011.5 to run plus some enhancements of the current RT's also need 2011.5 to run. There is also a new Android Remote feature that looks pretty cool. I have an Android but haven't checked that out yet.

I would call this a substantial upgrade and I would not expect it to be free.

Posted By: KeithS Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/06/11 05:27 PM

Bad idea and bad precedence.


I already voted with my PayPal account. Sent them my $199.00 + for the Audiophile upgrade. I'm not only not going to complain, I'm going to praise PG Music for offering a great product at more than a fair price.
Posted By: musiclover Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/06/11 05:28 PM

2010.5 was the only free one that I can remember and that was because there was not a whole lot to it. 2011.5 is a much bigger deal with a major and very cool new mixer plus the new RT's require 2011.5 to run plus some enhancements of the current RT's also need 2011.5 to run. There is also a new Android Remote feature that looks pretty cool. I have an Android but haven't checked that out yet.

I would call this a substantial upgrade and I would not expect it to be free.


Ok guys Thanks for replies and advice. You've convinced me to get this upgrade as it seems to add a lot of extra features. Credit card at the ready with a bit of luck I'll be running biab 2011.5 in a few hours. Hope its not a massive download though.

thanks again
Posted By: pwarren Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/06/11 05:42 PM
Hey Guys & Gals. It looks like the update is as close to free as you can get. It looks like the RT's are $99 leaving $49 for the hard drive. That seems about the same as last year to me. The only difference I can see is there's no option for DVD delivery this time.

I think it's a great deal and I'm making my purchace ASAP.
Posted By: John Conley Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/06/11 05:47 PM
It must be really fast to download it if you live in BC. The telephone wire is much shorter and those 0's and 1's must arrive much faster.


I think my wife's gonna let me have it.
Posted By: jcspro40 Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/06/11 05:51 PM

The only difference I can see is there's no option for DVD delivery this time.

This is not good.....
Posted By: John Conley Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/06/11 05:56 PM
I downloaded the whole she-bang and it was pretty quick. About 40 minutes.
Posted By: pwarren Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/06/11 06:28 PM
Oops. After I posted I saw there is a DVD delivery option. Sorry folks.
Posted By: pwarren Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/06/11 06:33 PM
I could use the 'carrier pidgeon' option if it was offered. It would definately be faster than Canada Post. At 40min. for a download it might even be faster than electronic delivery. I'm just not sure if pidgeons can carry the HD. lol
Posted By: Rob Helms Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/06/11 06:49 PM
I think the free upgrades usually happen when the main release has been rather buggy, and it is needed to solve some issue that cropped up and was to large to be a simple patch! The paid mid-year releases are more toward the cool upgrade type that add a pile of RTs and some cool requested features.

Last year if you remember there was a free upgrade mid year, that upgraded just the 2010 program to 2010.5, and a paid upgrade that added RTs and stuff to that.

I waited for the 2011 upgrade to pay and it cost more, so I think this year i will upgrade in july, and get the new stuff and see what december brings.
Posted By: eddie1261 Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/06/11 07:09 PM
Also understand that an UPDATE is not the same as an UPGRADE. And update fixes things. An upgrade adds features and enhancements.

I can not spare the $99 right now, but soon....
Posted By: Rob Helms Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/06/11 07:17 PM
I took out a Band in a Box credit card a few years back. It has a low $1,000 limit. When i about get it paid off an upgrade comes out. Drat here we go again.My goal is to have it paid off by the 2012 upgrade! Yeah right!
Posted By: jcspro40 Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/06/11 07:18 PM

Oops. After I posted I saw there is a DVD delivery option. Sorry folks.

There are a few DVD deals offered, but not for the UltraPlusPAK, which is the one I grab. And since $$ is tight ATM I will wait for the end of year sale to see if it is available then, I hope so!
Posted By: ZeroZero Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/06/11 08:06 PM
I am going to be really positive here my hunch is the next update will be a very good one. I think a postive rethink is going on. Even if the update is hardly nuthin, the Real Tracks are always worth the bucks.
Posted By: pwarren Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/06/11 08:13 PM


Oops. After I posted I saw there is a DVD delivery option. Sorry folks.

There are a few DVD deals offered, but not for the UltraPlusPAK, which is the one I grab. And since $$ is tight ATM I will wait for the end of year sale to see if it is available then, I hope so!

I think this is a DVD option unless I read it wrong.

DVD option
Posted By: jford Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/06/11 08:30 PM
Here's my interpretation of the new pricing.

If you don't need a new USB hard drive with everything on it (that you can run everything from), you can opt for the DVD option to just get the new versions of BIAB and RealBand, as well as all the ***NEW*** RealTracks. That's what you get for $99. It presumes you already have BIAB/RB installed on your system (either on the local hard drive or using the 2011 USB hard drive). You can then use the DVD's to upgrade to 2011.5.

However, if you want a new USB hard drive that has everything on it (that is, if you have the 2011 UltraPlusPak now, you get the new 2011.5 UltraPlusPak; if you have the EverythingPak, you get the new EverythingPak. PGMusic will check their records and make sure you get the appropriate upgrade. That lets you run it right off the USB hard drive, but it costs an additional $50 (at $149).


Since I have everything installed locally anyway, I'm opting for the DVD option to get the new stuff. In the end, you end up with the same thing, for all intents and purposes. The DVD option also gives you the download option, so you can get everything right away.
Posted By: Rob Helms Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/06/11 09:06 PM
Zee, i agree, ... hey that rhymed!! I look forward to the 2012, i think a few real nice goodies are coming. But for $99 the .5 is a good deal
Posted By: silvertones Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/06/11 09:23 PM
The only real difference between this year and last year as I recall it is IF you were one of the people not interested in any new RTs you could get just the programs for free. If you are one of the folks like I'm sure most of us and do want the new RTs then it's the same price.
Posted By: jcspro40 Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/06/11 09:55 PM
Yup, from the page...

"For $99, you get two DVD's with 2011.5 and the new RealTracks. You can also download the files immediately, or choose "download-only" and save shipping & handling. ( ~5 Gigabyte download )"

That is a good deal for sure! I did not even see that page (you would THINK I would know my way around this place by now! ). Thank You for the link pwarren! Here's to them doing the same at years end...
Posted By: Stephan326 Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/07/11 03:06 AM
Sorry fellas I won't be upgrading at this time.gotta pay for surgery and associated bills in a couple months..
Posted By: ZeroZero Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/07/11 07:00 AM
Those RealTrack demos sound REALLY excellent again. PG have not issued a duff one yet. I am going to download them today.

The extension into seventies Soul is a request of mine (and maybe others) I hope its the beginning of a RT genre

I used to buy play along Cds. A dozen CDs would be comparable or more expensive, cost wise, and you could not change a single chord.

I for one am not grumbling about the cost and i can wait until PG get the denxt update right before they issue it.

I shall download today.
Posted By: Keith from Oz Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/07/11 08:30 AM
Hi all,
Let me make sure I've got this right. I bought 2011 on the hard drive for the first time, and have been updating with the new builds so the HD is up to date. However I run BIAB from my desktop.

If I go with the DVD option, can I also upgrade my HD as well as my desktop?
Will the 2011 HD have enough capacity?
Thanks as always.
Posted By: silvertones Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/07/11 10:16 AM

Hi all,
Let me make sure I've got this right. I bought 2011 on the hard drive for the first time, and have been updating with the new builds so the HD is up to date. However I run BIAB from my desktop.

If I go with the DVD option, can I also upgrade my HD as well as my desktop?
Will the 2011 HD have enough capacity?
Thanks as always.

Yes, you'll put the DVDs in and tell it to update the install on the internal drive. When done insert the DVDs again with the USB now attached and this time tell it to update the USB drive.
Posted By: Keith from Oz Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/07/11 10:49 AM
Great..... thanks John.
And disk space will not be a problem?
Edit: The HD has a capacity of 149GB, and it shows as having 104Gb free. This should be enough, shouldn't it?
Posted By: Reg Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/07/11 05:01 PM
I have 2011 Audiophile Edition, so can I upgrade with the $99 version or do I need to upgrade to the $199 audiophile version. Thanks.
Posted By: jford Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/07/11 05:47 PM
The $99 version, I believe, will only give you the WMA versions of the RealTracks; so if you want the full uncompressed WAV versions, you'll need to go with the $199 Audiophile version.
Posted By: jazzmammal Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/07/11 07:38 PM

Great..... thanks John.
And disk space will not be a problem?
Edit: The HD has a capacity of 149GB, and it shows as having 104Gb free. This should be enough, shouldn't it?

No problem Keith. The new RT's take up 200-400mb for each set since they started using that new Elastique algo. They only need one RT to cover the tempo ranges instead of three. The old sets were 700mb-1.2gigs in size. I haven't looked it up but all the new RT's are not a lot of gigs, 4 or 5 maybe?

Posted By: Keith from Oz Re: 2011.5? New Real Tracks? - 07/07/11 11:21 PM
Thanks Bob!
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