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Posted By: percy Motown Sax Soloist #403 - 07/07/11 08:05 PM
Hello All,

I'm using the aforementioned RT in some up-tempo numbers around 125 BPM. In the upper register, the tone can get a little 'tinny' for lack of a better word, but I do like the riffs. Any simple effects available to remedy this?

All suggestions welcome.

Posted By: Noel96 Re: Motown Sax Soloist #403 - 07/07/11 08:07 PM
Hi Percy,

Have you tried changing the key of the song? I've found that sometimes different keys can produce a whole different quality to the sound.

Posted By: Muzic Trax Re: Motown Sax Soloist #403 - 07/07/11 08:18 PM
Try the 10 band eq in DX FX. Also, I always check the "Bluesy" check mark when using the Motown Sax Soloist. It can be found in a few places; song settings/real track list and possibly in the soloist menu?

Posted By: percy Re: Motown Sax Soloist #403 - 07/07/11 09:15 PM

I should have mentioned that I sing on these numbers and am glad I can sing in just the one key. LOL.


As I look at the presets of the 10 band EQ, any suggestion which one to select? Boost this; cut that. Beats me.
In RB in the Tracks window, there is an Apply Cat FX. I thought these were presets of some sort but they are never to be found. Again, beats me.


Posted By: Kent - PG Music Re: Motown Sax Soloist #403 - 07/08/11 01:27 AM
Hi Percy,

Not sure which preset you'll want, but tinniness is usually coming from frequencies between 800 Hz - 2000 Hz. A mild cut on the 1K or 2K band should help. Your ears will tell you if it's working. :-)

I found this page to be a pretty good guide:

On nice trick on EQ is to boost different frequencies until you find which one makes the tinniness (or whatever you're trying to fix) gets WORSE, and then cut that one. My ears find it easier to detect problems than improvements, so that helps a lot.

PG Music
Posted By: Mac Re: Motown Sax Soloist #403 - 07/08/11 01:23 PM
This also might happen from forcing the Soloist to play notes that are outside of the normal range of the instrument. This can be controlled in the Soloist options, try narrowing down the upper (highest note) allowed number there.

Posted By: GHinCH Re: Motown Sax Soloist #403 - 07/08/11 03:06 PM
Hi Percy,

changing the key is not a bad advice in this case -- even if you only can fix your voice to cover the range of that particular song in just that key.

Change the key to an octave lower. I discovered that by accident one day. Change the key to anther key close by in the desired direction, e.g. from C to A, then to F and then to C. Maybe you have add one more step inbetween.

I haven't used that feature too often yet, so I'm not sure if it works in this case, but if it works out, it is definitely faster than playing with an EQ.

Best regards.
Posted By: percy Re: Motown Sax Soloist #403 - 07/08/11 05:55 PM

As always, great advice from everyone.


For the project at hand, I did what you suggested: I cut both the 1K and 2K bands by -9 dB and it's quite an improvement,
allowing me to boost the sax track overall and which now fits much better in the mix.


I looked at the RT chart in BB and I do have a number of notes above the staff, e.g. G6 and Bb6 which are indeed high.
According to BB, the tenor range should be from notes 44-75. I forgot all about the Soloist Editor options. For existing and future projects, I will adjust the range accordingly


An ingenious work-a-round. I gotta try it !

Many, many thanks to all.

Posted By: GHinCH Re: Motown Sax Soloist #403 - 07/09/11 04:44 PM
If you do, let me know about the results.
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