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Posted By: FLAN SHOT wierdness...?...maybe? - 08/29/11 11:42 PM
Hello Friends,

I'm frustrated.

The apparent simplicity of an isolated drum shot is elluding me.

What I'm trying to accomplish (in my case):

I have a groove going on and I simply would like to entice the drums to "hit/accent" on beat ONE of BAR "X".

While the other instruments HOLD (or maybe "shot"...I dunno).

I've been trying to isolate the RD's totally by planting them at the end of a song (a few bars past the official end)...for experimentation (hoping I could get it to work, and then edit that in later in my DAW for ex).

But a SINGLE RD drum hit I cannot conjure/configure.

I'm cornfuzed.

Any tips or advice would most likely retard the advancement of grey hairs on my big FAT head (yeah right, like THAT's going to happen). LOL

Posted By: SaxmanJim Re: SHOT wierdness...?...maybe? - 08/30/11 03:58 AM
I don't know how your are playing your experiments outside the last bar of your song, but what I would do is experiment in the first few bars of a new song.

Whether you choose a hold or a shot, the drums do a shot.

If the hold or shot does not give you enough of an accent, go to Opt. > Preferences > Arrange. Enter a new number in the Boost shots by, and the Boost holds by boxes.

If you boost the holds and shots, but still can't hear a volume difference, then try another style.

Good luck,
Posted By: FLAN Re: SHOT wierdness...?...maybe? - 08/30/11 11:31 AM
Hi Jim,

I inserted 8 bars at the "end" of my working frame before the "official" end to allow for this experimentation. I tried to input chords in the greyed out areas (post song end) but BB won't recognize/play anything in that area.

Of course, by reading this, you can tell I'm using a 2 bar ending. Interestingly enough, the RD for the style does play what sounds like a single bass drum/cymbal hit--to fade nicely---just what I'm after really.

So, at least "technically" this little clip is evidence that is does in fact exist in the full source audio file. I just can't seem to draw it out at will, at least with the way that I'm trying to.

Just from the chord sheet, I've also tried "forcing" a cymbal hit by placing A/B part markers in the specific bar no avail (strange)...yet I think that everywhere else there IS a part marker, BB puts an accent of some sort (usually a cymbal hit---but not an isolated one) as that bar begins to play.

*SIGH* It was getting late last night, and I believe I tried most (possibly all) chord setting options in the bar to see what it would do/sound like after regenerating.

Each iteration was not the effect I was seeking.

The results of the SHOT (even with ALL instruments) seems to be that the drums simply stop---without a discernable accent, while the other instruments do what they're supposed to.

There may be a different level of editing that is called for here (style edit?)

Finally, if I fail to tweak it in BB, one recourse I have is when I drop into my DAW, I can find that 2-bar ending cymbal hit and edit that in where I want to...and hope for the best.

Thanks for the tip,
Posted By: rharv Re: SHOT wierdness...?...maybe? - 08/30/11 12:11 PM
If you want to take the time to actually listen to the realdrum wma files, you'll often find that they give you hits of each drum on their own at the end so you can add it if you want. This needs to be done in a DAW, of course, but there should be an exact cymbal you want just waiting to be copied/pasted wherever you want it.

It's a little work, keeping track of which realdrum you are using, then opening the whole wma file to find the hits you want, but can be rewarding when you really want what you want.

Shhh, don't tell everybody
Posted By: FLAN Re: SHOT wierdness...?...maybe? - 08/30/11 12:22 PM
Awesome...thanks rharv! The challenge will be to track that RD.wma down in the bb directory...there's a KAZILLION.

I have the "there's way too much data than you know what to do with" version.

Posted By: rharv Re: SHOT wierdness...?...maybe? - 08/30/11 12:27 PM
I mentioned that would be the difficult part, but it's not THAT hard. They are named well enough that you can figure it out.
Posted By: Rachael Re: SHOT wierdness...?...maybe? - 08/30/11 12:45 PM
There is a .txt file associated with the RD which has the bar numbers of the shots (and a bunch of other stuff). The line(s) to look for start with the word Shot. I believe the bar is the second number in that line. Make sure your tempo in RB (or whatever) to that of the RD. You can go right the the bar(s) as defined in the .txt file.

Posted By: FLAN Re: SHOT wierdness...?...maybe? - 08/31/11 11:39 AM
I checked these out...very cool. The HELP file on "txt files" is voluminous to say the Didn't really need to read it, but I did.

Man, I give great credit to 'dem 'dare smarty-pant code writers!

Thanks all, these are cool tricks.
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