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Posted By: bobc Why patch changes don't stick ? - 10/25/11 02:01 AM
I load a song in BIAB. Then I change the patch settings for piano, bass and drums in a VST (Super Quartet). But when I punch Play the song loads extra instruments in my VST and changes the VST patches I had just set up . How can I set instruments and patches in my VST and have them apply to any song I load and disable the ones that are in the song ? Apparently songs have patch settings that override the patches and instruments I set in the VST. I found in Edit|"Settings for this Song" an Override button that has an option to "Allow songs to load settings" which I unchecked. But the song STILL overrides my VST settings ? Help, what am I doing wrong ?

Posted By: jazzmammal Re: Why patch changes don't stick ? - 10/25/11 02:22 AM
You have to load the patch map for your SQ because it's not a GM synth. Biab uses GM patches as it's default. If you load in the patch map then you hit the + next to the patches box and pick what patch you need for any part. Once you've done that, those patches will be remembered when you save the song. If you're not sure about this just look in the help file under patch map.

Posted By: bobc Re: Why patch changes don't stick ? - 10/25/11 01:40 PM
Thanks for taking the time to reply. In the meantime I FINALLY answered my own question. For others with the problem: In the Options menu there is a Midi tab under Preferences I think (sorry, not at my BIAB computer so I don't remember which one but there are only 3). In it is a choice to select to NOT load the patches that come with the song. And this choice I found works semi-permanently until you change it back, e.g. every song you load subsequently will keep the patches you had selected in your VST (which until this fix had been overridden by the song's patches every time I loaded a song.. grrrrrrrrr.)
And thanks Bob for the reminder to others about the need for patch maps for non GM VST's. I had found such a map on the BIAB website specifically for Edirol Super Quartet and if you follow the instructions it works fine. When you click the "+" next to the patch names on BIAB it will indeed pull up the list of non GM patches corresponding to the VST you loaded to pick from (or you can make the changes in your VST interface directly). I just wish the non GM picks you made in the + window would show up in the patch name window when you get out of the + window. But I ask too much...

Anyway, problem solved.
Posted By: silvertones Re: Why patch changes don't stick ? - 10/25/11 02:18 PM
The more normal way IS to have the Program change the patches in the VSTi. Get the patchmap for your VSTi,assign the patches in BIAB and then save the song.Next time you play the song it'll load the right patches.
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