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I have had a sleepless night and a major problem with Biab being continually deleted by AVG. I am a paid user of AVG, although after their useless support I won't be for much longer.
After a lot of experimenting I have found out the deletion was caused by Identity Protection. Now I'm not a techie but I am worried that Biab is causing AVG a problem. What is there in Biab and Realband that is causing the activiation?

In what directory/folder do you have BIAB installed?

"In what directory/folder do you have BIAB installed?"

and realband in C:\realband
as per the install
Why? What am I missing?
Nothing, Tim. It occurred to me that you might have installed it into one of the protected folders like "c:\program files" etc. I can see that that's not the case.

thanks, I was worried there for a moment.
So I am full circle to the subject. What is causing the problem? Is it that AVG is right and PG software is revealing my identity to PG or worse a TP via a hidden trojan, or is AVG badly programmed?
For the security of your computer you should be making the choice on how you want to proceed. Whether you want our program to be let through the anti-virus or not. If you do want to I can certainly assist you with that if you would like to give me a call on the support line.

False Positives are actually mistakes made by antivirus and sometimes antispyware utilities. The companies that are trying to protect us against the threats are under enormous pressure to get the malware identified and a fix created that there isn't enough time except, for very basic testing, before they must release these identifications and fixes. Add to this fact that the authors of the malware are also using the same program compilers and software libraries that often a good program may get misidentified as a bad one. Typically, the protection programs quarantine area that is made to safely hold a malware will allow you to restore these if you don't get impatient and empty it first. If you report the false positive to your protection company, they will be able to correct their mistake.
If users will not report a false positive then they cannot be corrected. AVG Pro versions do have the ability to exclude files/folders from being scanned but still if a false happens it needs to be reported if possible.
What many people fail to realize with the subject of false positives... is that ALL antivirus and antispyware programs are prone to these. This is because they must also try and detect unknown malware that has just been released also.

** Its a case of trying to be safe and making a false detection instead of not being safe and letting the systems get infected. **

The user has to ask themselves would they rather their protection program be a little bit paranoid and make a false detection... or would they rather it miss a newly released malware and end up with an infected computer instead.

(There are about 20,000 - 30,000 new malware found daily)
I'm also a paid user of AVG and have had no problems with BIAB. Real Band shows the UA shield on the icon, but it seems to run okay. I'm using the Everything pack hard drive. Sounds like Rob is the guy to talk to and work with. My AVG is up for renewal now. It has kept the viruses away for me so I think I'm going to renew YMMV
I had a similar problem and dumped AVG and used Avast free edition , it allowed me to decide what I wanted done and remembered it . I no longer use the internet on my recording computer as it seems to run faster without virus protection. Rob's idea of reporting it is very wise if you plan to keep it.
I take my computer to "Work OffLine" status before opening any music program. That seems to reduce problems and interuptions for me. I'm using the free edition of AVG and would like to turn it off while using BIAB / Real Tracks. But, I can't find where to turn off AVG Free version.

For the security of your computer you should be making the choice on how you want to proceed. Whether you want our program to be let through the anti-virus or not. If you do want to I can certainly assist you with that if you would like to give me a call on the support line.

Whoa, wait a min....are you saying that PG Music software installs "phone home" software without give us, the user, an option to NOT either install it when loading the program, or the opting to turn it off inside the program?

If so this is NOT cool at all....
Since I have waited about a month for this to be answered, I will ask again.....worded a little better.....:o

.....are you saying that PG Music software installs "phone home" software without giving us, the user, an option to either NOT install it when loading the program, or the option of turning it off inside the program?

Please respond to this.....

Not really sure what gave you that impression, we've never included any spyware with our software,

Rob was just offering to provide tech support over the phone. The tech line is 1-866-983-2474.

PG Music
I got tired of AVG deleting my SOM hockey game from my Internet computer. I’ve switched to MS Essentials and I’ve had no problems at all, with either viruses or it deleting the hockey game. You may want to give it a try. It is free.
I also use the free version of AVG and have not had any problems like that at all. All my installed programs seems to be "there", so I have no reason to not keep using it, but I'll keep an eye on it.
I had a similar problem a while back after installing BIAB 2011.
I use Trend Micro for my real time protection and it was saying that BIAB could be a security risk and suggested I remove the software.
Well I've use BIAB for over 10 years and have never found it to be a security risk or cause any problems on my computer.
So I told Trend Micro to just shut the hell up. Lol.
Just kidding. I had Trend Micro put BIAB on the exception list and everything has been fine since then.

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