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There are 3 ways to show notes duration on Notation: Regular, Editable and Staff roll.
ONLY the Staff roll (and piano roll mode) show the real note duration as played by Biab.
This seems to occur mainly when short duration notes/rests (1/8, 1/16th) show in a bar.
I'm not sure how difficult it would be to fix this.
From the forums, it seems that's a long lasting story.
This 'failure' prevents from getting accurate prints of the score.
To circumvent that I have to export the song toward a notation print software (thru 'make a Standard midi file'): Finale/Musescore/Notation Composer.
I attempted to report this thru PG support but could not get a positive answer.
Has anyone found a better way to fix that, I mean get accurate prints?
My current Biab is 2011 (hard disk) but this seems to occur on previous levels too (down to 2005).
I captured images of that, but don't know how to include in this post, sorry.
Merry Xmas and Happy new year.
Robert Larrieux
Musically intelligent and correct scores are seldom "accurate" in the sense you seem to mean. Only a stupid one insists on including every 32nd-note rest it thinks it detects. It's not helpful to ask for BiaB to act so, because the result of that is an unreadable disaster in practical use. Considerable cleverness has gone into making BiaB notation act as it does, specifically to prepare leadsheets. I hope you make no headway in reversing that advance.
Hi Robert,

There are a couple of things I do that allow me to print BIAB scores with note lengths I want.

1. I go to Notation Options (accessed using the "Opt" button when in Notation Mode) and deactivate "Minimize rests". I've highlighted this with a yellow cross in the image below.

2. Using Editable Notation Mode, I use the "Rest" entry option (see yellow cross below) to enter a rest on the appropriate beat. Entered rests show up as blue in Editable Notation Mode but print black and display as black in Lead Sheet and Notation modes.

Hope this helps,
OK thanks Noel.
I do use your suggestion most of the time.
And hopefully this works almost always.
However I hit cases where the note is entered, then changed thru either the Piano Roll or Staff Roll. It gets really played as expected, but is only correctly shown (in terms of duration) either in PianoRoll or Staff Roll.
I'm talking about actual quarter notes (around 114 tics) duration that are shown as 1/8th notes (around 55tics)in notation-edit or in printout.
Once this 'problem' is hit, I could not manage to correct this by entering again the notes or whatsoever.
It seems that BiaB has 'memorised' somewhere the 'wrong note duration'.
I'm confused not being able to add images in my post that would have shown that .

Robert Larrieux

I'm confused not being able to add images in my post that would have shown that .

Check out the -> FAQ.

Merry Christmas
tried this:

Ok this worked.
So from above picture it can be seen that bars 17 and 18 do show the real note durations as played by the PGM on the first capture (staff roll) but are wrong on the second capture (editable notation mode).
Hi RL,

Thank you for the image. It helps. I can see your problem.

What is happening in the above is that, at some stage in this piece of music's creation, you have entered rests. These forced rests are blue in the second image. The rests that BIAB has entered automatically are in black.

How to correct this ...

Because rests were specifically entered, BIAB gives those rests precedence. The program works on the principle that because you physically put rests into the music, you want them to display (whatever a note's length). This over-rides BIAB's automatic process. To get BIAB to display the correct note values without the rests, it's necessary to delete the blue rests. To do this, use Editable Notation Mode, hold down "delete" on the keyboard and left-click on the blue rests. Once the blue rests are deleted, BIAB's automatic process will then correctly display the music. Please note that it might be best to activate the "Minimize rests" option that I mentioned above to get the correct display.

One thing that I do to help facilitate correct notation display is to set the default note duration to between 95 - 100% (in the image below, my default note length is set to 95%). This is found by using the "More" button (as highlighted) that's located under Opt | Preferences | Notation.

Sometimes because of the entry and deletion of notes during the composing process, it's possible to end up with notes that are shorter than what one wants. The first note of bar 18 (where the Em7 chord is) gives me the impression that this might have occurred here. To rectify this, use the Staff Roll Mode (as shown in image 1) and left-click on the note head (make sure that "mono" note entry is on). With "mono" note entry, this will replace the existing note with a new one that is the default length. It's also possible to RIGHT-click on the note head, hold the right button of the mouse down, and drag to the right to change the note's length.

Hope these thoughts help,
Hi Noel,
I just verified your method in deleting the 'blue rests' and this worked fine.
I now get full coherence between all the displays.
To adjust note duration I'm using mostly the piano roll as it's more 'pictural' and better fit with audio.
Many thanks for your assistance on this issue.
I'm not sure how this thread can be marked as solved, probably by this forum moderator?

Happy new year

Robert Larrieux
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