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For simplicity's sake, when I am exporting a midi file for conversion to Sibelius, I like to reduce the song to just one chorus. Many times when I do that, the melody disappears completely. It doesn't happen on every song, but the songs it does happen on, it happens every time. Anyone else experiencing this?
Post a Biab file on a link, others can see if the same problem arises.

Post a Biab file on a link, others can see if the same problem arises.

I'd be happy to try it. Btw, what version of BIAB are you running? It may have already been addressed in an earlier bug fix. Be sure to check for the latest updates.
I have never had the melody disappear.

I have had some of it displaced when altering the song structure, like adding a chorus. For that reason, I make certain my song structure is the way I want it before trying any copying or alteration of the melody by sections.

Would you mind passing the song to us at as well so I can take a look and get this confirmed and to the development team.

PG Music Inc.
There you go, Bob!

Their standing instruction is to reference this thread when you send the song to them.

You could still post your song for us with your step-by-step instructions; like Don, I'll give it a try. If you don't have a way to post the song, send me a PM and I'll do it.
Using BIAB 2012, am a longtime user (from DOS days), beta tester, and have had this issue on every version that I can remember. I will send a file to support. Thanks folks.
For those of you who would like to check it out for yourself, here is a link to the three BIAB files I sent to support that do as I described, the melody disappears when you change the chorus number to 1. Let me know if you have the same issue. Files are here -->
Heard back from support already.

Here is the solution:
The reason this seems to happen is because the tag is not removed first. If the tag gets removed first and then the chorus gets reduced, the melody remains.

If the chorus gets reduced without the tag being removed then the melody disappears and that is the bug I will report.

Support, you guys rock!!! I should have complained about this bug long ago.
Wow. I'll try this later.

Assuming it works, this must be put in the FAQ.
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