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Posted By: Donsta Windows 8? - 10/24/12 08:53 PM
My 10 year old laptop finally died. I'm wondering if Biab works in Windows 8 or should I rush out and buy a laptop before it's too late?


Posted By: PhillyJazz Re: Windows 8? - 10/24/12 08:57 PM
Ant chance of a Windows 8 ARM version ? I will wait for the Intel-based Pros to come out, but BIAB on a cheap Arm-based tablet (even with limited functionality)would sure beat crap out of .PDFs on an Android or iPad.
Posted By: PeterGannon Re: Windows 8? - 10/24/12 08:59 PM
Yes, Band-in-a-Box works fine on Windows 8. (note: this doesn't include the Windows RT tablets like the Surface RT, since those don't have Intel or AMD processors, they run on ARM chips). But the typical Windows 8 notebook, desktop will work fine with Band-in-a-Box. Also, tablets that have Intel/AMD processors work. The Mirosoft Surface Pro tablet (coming out in a few months, is reported to have an Intel chip, so it should be able run BiaB, though that is speculation at this point.

Also, my understanding is that Windows 7 tablets will still be available next year, and Microsoft expects to sell about 100-200 million of Windows 7 machines next year.
Posted By: ZeroZero Re: Windows 8? - 10/27/12 11:00 AM
I have been researching this and it seems the current Surface laptop is very nobbled and cant run a lot of applications, the pro version is out in three months and seems to be a real and very powerful excellent machine. For me Windows 8 makes sense on such a machine because its both touch and keyboard.
Posted By: Donsta Re: Windows 8? - 10/27/12 04:20 PM
Thanks for the info. I think I'm going to try and limp by for at least a couple of months with one less pc than I'm used to having around. We'll see how things when the Pro version of Windows 8 comes out.

Thanks again

Posted By: ZeroZero Re: Windows 8? - 10/27/12 04:32 PM
Hi Donsta the Pro version of Windows is out now the version on the Surface is Windows RT which is a cut down version. In three months a new (more expensive) version of the Surface is going to run the WIn 8 Pro version. The RT version is for the Arm processor and will not run legacy windows programs(!).
Posted By: rodipoet Re: Windows 8? - 10/28/12 08:42 AM
I have biab and realband running on my windows 8 pro machine (upgraded from win 7) and it's working fine. I do not use the metro-look, have the start-button installed.
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