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Posted By: johnnyo34 lost my "OTHER STYLES" and "NORTON" - 01/23/13 05:56 AM
I am totally baffled & any & all help will be greatly appreciated..
I installed BIAB 2013 build 366 from my USB that I bought onto my C drive & copied it to another USB external drive "O".. In the Style Picker window at the Top Left it said,
All Styles 3366
Favorites 1
Recent Styles 5

So I installed Norton into bb:\O, & did a rebuild, yup now I got no OTHER, & can't find Norton anywhere..
I called PG support, they can't understand why this is.. & near as I can understand they said it shouldn't be..
But now I have,
All Styles 3366
Favorites 1
Recent Styles 5

And where Other used to be are only Hyphens.. I used to have my Norton Styles at the very bottom of the Style Picker window... Incidentally after I did the Rebuild, I got a box that said (I can't remember the number) were found in Other, but there ain't no OTHER...

This is enough for me to go Bananas,,, HELP...
Posted By: av84fun Re: lost my "OTHER STYLES" and "NORTON" - 01/23/13 06:07 AM

This is enough for me to go Bananas,,, HELP...

Bananas are high in potassium but rasberries are very high in fiber. I'd go with the rasberries!

JUST trying to lighten the mood until someone with a clue chimes in.

It WILL get worked out.


Posted By: johnnyo34 Re: lost my "OTHER STYLES" and "NORTON" - 01/23/13 06:39 AM


This is enough for me to go Bananas,,, HELP...

Bananas are high in potassium but rasberries are very high in fiber. I'd go with the rasberries!

JUST trying to lighten the mood until someone with a clue chimes in.

It WILL get worked out.



Thanks, I need that, & helps to lighten the load.. I have uninstalled & re-installed so many times, I feel like I'm a PG employee, but the problem is still there regardless of what I do, & I'm considering raspberries, but not good for false teeth,...
Posted By: MarioD Re: lost my "OTHER STYLES" and "NORTON" - 01/23/13 02:02 PM
I had the same problem. I finally found my Other right after All files. It was second on the list. Did you check there? It’s weird how it went from last to second! It took me quite a while to find it!

Forget the fruit. Get a cold Blue and watch a hockey game (finally you can) then go look!
Posted By: MikeK Re: lost my "OTHER STYLES" and "NORTON" - 01/23/13 02:12 PM
Is this related?
Posted By: johnnyo34 Re: lost my "OTHER STYLES" and "NORTON" - 01/23/13 02:34 PM
Yup it is, but I still can't get the Other Styles to show up, & I reinstalled the Norton, but still not showing at the bottom like they used to..
Posted By: johnnyo34 Re: lost my "OTHER STYLES" and "NORTON" - 01/23/13 02:53 PM
When I did a rebuild, I got a box saying that new Styles were found including Norton, & they were placed into the Other Styles Category,But after the Rebuild Other Styles vanished.. That is my Dilemma... Where did it go?, & how do I find it, & how do I get it back?? It has to be somewhere..If I could find "OTHER", I would then have everything back..
Posted By: jford Re: lost my "OTHER STYLES" and "NORTON" - 01/23/13 05:33 PM
When you re-installed your Norton styles, did you also remember to include the several .LS3 files that Norton provides. These are the files with information about the Norton styles. Also, remember, that all styles must either be in the main BIAB folder or in a subfolder under BIAB called Styles. No other place will allow them to show up in StylePicker.
Posted By: johnnyo34 Re: lost my "OTHER STYLES" and "NORTON" - 01/23/13 05:51 PM
John, no I don't think I put in the LS3 files, if I find them & put them in now, will it work?
Posted By: Matt Finley Re: lost my "OTHER STYLES" and "NORTON" - 01/23/13 06:10 PM
If it still doesn't work, don't forget about that other post and try editing the BBW.LST file.
Posted By: johnnyo34 Re: lost my "OTHER STYLES" and "NORTON" - 01/23/13 06:13 PM
Well I downloaded LS3 from Norton, installed it to BB folder, did a rebuild, & got the following message...
" Entries=9074. This includes 16 extra Styles that were found in the BB folder, that are listed in the Other Styles Found Category"

Guess what, there still isn't an "OTHER STYLES Gategory".. I'm beginning to hate this 2013.. had no troubles up until 2012.5.. Other Styles were listed right under All Styles then Favorites, & all my Norton stuff was right near the bottom of the Style Picker window.. I may have to put my 2013 away as much as I hate to, & go back to 2012.
Posted By: Matt Finley Re: lost my "OTHER STYLES" and "NORTON" - 01/23/13 06:46 PM
Did you do a Opt., Return to Factory Settings? Might be one of those weird ones that this will wipe out.
Posted By: johnnyo34 Re: lost my "OTHER STYLES" and "NORTON" - 01/23/13 06:55 PM
Just did that, & still No "OTHER STYLES" Category I wonder why OTHER doesn't show up anywhere when I go looking for it..
Hi Johnny,

We haven't yet been able to duplicate a problem with Band-in-a-Box reading .ls3 files. I assume you have verified that (1) you have the .LS3 files in the bb folder, and (2) you do in fact have the norton .STY files as well in the bb folder. If so, there is something strange happening... Please send an email to with "Attn Andrew" in the subject line. Attach a .zip file that has all your .ls3 files. To find all your .ls3 files, open the bb folder and search for *.ls3.
Posted By: johnnyo34 Re: lost my "OTHER STYLES" and "NORTON" - 01/23/13 07:31 PM
thanks Andrew, went in I see Norton Styles listed, can't seem to find LS3, & I installed them again.. So I'm going to give up,. just getting too complicated for me, will get my Alesis SR16 drum machine out & maybe start building tracks with it ..
Don't know why it got so hard to do & starting to get a headache from it, nothing makes sense & I've installed & uninstalled so many times, just too much for this old head..
thanks again.
Posted By: PeterGannon Re: lost my "OTHER STYLES" and "NORTON" - 01/23/13 08:50 PM
Hi Johnny,

>>> can't seem to find LS3, & I installed them again

You need to have .ls3 files in your c:\bb folder if you want the Norton (or other third party) styles to show up in the StylePicker. If you don't have the .ls3 files, the styles will still show up, but in the "other styles" category, but without all the extra information (memos, examples etc.).

I am not clear from your message, do you have .ls3 files in your c:\bb folder or not?

If you do have them, please send a .zip of them to, and we can look into it.
Posted By: johnnyo34 Re: lost my "OTHER STYLES" and "NORTON" - 01/23/13 09:17 PM
Peter I sent you the files, & that's the other part of the problem, you say they will show up in the "other styles" category.. I don't have & cannot find the "other styles" category, & I used to have it right under All Styles. I can see the Norton Styles in the BB folder also,
Posted By: DC Ron Re: lost my "OTHER STYLES" and "NORTON" - 01/23/13 11:30 PM
I fixed this by going to Edit/Open in Stylepicker and selecting my Norton LS3 files one at a time. My LS3 files were and still are in the bb root directory. If this is some kind of bug it seems that some systems obviously are not seeing...
Posted By: Mac Re: lost my "OTHER STYLES" and "NORTON" - 01/23/13 11:40 PM
Hi johnnyo34,

After installing, did you run the Stylepicker REBUILD found inside the Stylepicker?

Posted By: PeterGannon Re: lost my "OTHER STYLES" and "NORTON" - 01/24/13 12:02 AM
Hi Johnny,
1. Open up the file c:\bb\bbw.lst in a text editor.
2. Go the end of the file, and insert a line break (ie a carriage return),
3. Save the file
4. Make sure that you have saved the file (as notepad likes to rename it bbw.lst.txt . Make sure that you have resaved bbw.lst

Rebuild the style list. All should be well,

If you don't went to do the steps above, wait a day or so, and we will have a replacement file of bbw.lst (which has the extra carriage return)
Posted By: johnnyo34 Re: lost my "OTHER STYLES" and "NORTON" - 01/24/13 04:59 AM
Hello Mac, yes I did a rebuild, but no change..
DC Ron, I never tried that, I just got tired at day's end. I've been trying to sort this mess out for 3 days.. I un install, then reinstall, & my "Other Styles" category is there right under All Styles.. I do a rebuild, & my "Other Styles" category dissappears, vanishes, kaboom, disintegrates somewhere.. & it does this every time..

Peter I will wait till you get the replacement file, I just don't want to screw something up.. Thanks Much..
Posted By: Noel96 Re: lost my "OTHER STYLES" and "NORTON" - 01/24/13 05:09 AM
Hi Johnny,

Good to see you.

Here's something that might be worth trying. Go into the Stylepicker window and click on the "Show all" button that I've circled in the image below. It's in the top left corner of the window. (It might be that the filter has somehow become engaged and not all the styles are showing. It's worth a try.)

Hope this helps,
Posted By: johnnyo34 Re: lost my "OTHER STYLES" and "NORTON" - 01/24/13 05:46 AM
Thanks Noel, I will keep that in mind.. Andrew sent me a file that fixed the whole problem.. My "Other Styles" Category is back in the right place, & the Norton Styles are once again visible.. As I wrote to him, PG Music may have very well have saved me from being admitted to the HAHA House,,, I had tried everything this old head could fathom, & was almost ready to start pulling my hair out, & give up on BIAB....

All is well, so far, & hope it stays this way.. A great BIG thanks to each & everyone of you for your suggestions & helping me out.. Very much appreciated..
And a Special thanks to Peter & Andrew of PG Music for their help, & the file..
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