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Posted By: hannay 4 bars greyed out for no apparent reason ... - 08/22/13 11:11 PM
I have a song with a middle section that comprises 11 repeats of a particular 8-bar phrase. I have treated the first one-third of the song as an intro, that middle section as a single chorus with 11 repeats, and the last one-third as a tagged ending. "Create Ending" is deselected.

I wrote it out as first-part, a single *chorus*, and last-part, and then added the repeats to the *chorus* leaving just the end section to tag-in after. That comes in at bar 125 and would finish at bar 214.

When I set tab start/end bars and hit okay however, four bars in the middle of that tagged section grey-out. HOWEVER, the last bar number before those four is 164 and the first after is 166, meaning that those greyed-out 4 bars collectively share 165! The greyed bars are just like when you set a Part Marker and it greys-out unwanted bars, except that you can't click to restore these!

When I play through that section, after playing bar 164 it plays the first of the four greyed bars as 165 and then skips the other 3 greyed bars and drops straight to the regular bar 166 and continues properly from there.

There's a noticeable difference in the grey bar's sound, the timing is fine but there's a "snatch" kind of feel about it that is like when you *play from here* and the first beat of the nominated bar comes in with a jerk ...

I expect there's a logical reason why this greying-out occurs within the tabbed-in section, and I have tried to work my way through possibilities but haven't come up with anything.

I am relatively new to using BIAB but I have successfully done 11 songs altogether now and learned new things with every one, but haven't had an arbitrary and un-numbered greyed-out line right across the sheet before! I have done this same work-around on a couple of other songs without any part of the tagged-in last part being affected this way.

I'm probably missing something blindingly obvious, but can anybody more familiar than I am tell me why this happens and how I deal with it. I need it not to be there!


If you send the song file as an email attachment to, we'll be happy to take a look at it.

PG Music
Hello Kent, and thank you .. so I gather that maybe there's not a simple "That happens when you do so-and-so, so you must have accidentally set that" kind of reason then ... pity, I was hoping just to undo a step and clear it.

I'm in the UK and it is coming up to 1:30am Fri and I am about to head to bed, plus I am not at the right computer now anyway, but I will email you that file in the morning and hopefully you can throw some light on it.

Unless in the meantime someone else has had that same thing happen and can point me toward the explanation and remedy?

Kent is excellent. You should just send the file.

There are some obvious things about where the grey bar appears (at part markers of odd-length phrases) and you do have a preference setting to have BIAB show the grey bar in some circumstances, but when you mentioned sound I did not reply; I can't imagine why the sound would be affected. Kent will figure it out. Please come back here and post once you know the solution.

By the way, are you in the Lead Sheet Mode? If so, see FAQ #79.

I have had a similar thing happen on a few tunes of late. It usually occurs when I have done some radical altering in terms of the number of choruses, or to the tag.

I will try and tie down the exact chain of events next time it happens.
Hannay, try Opt., Return to Factory Settings.
Thanks Matt and Graham for your additional input.

The spurious grey-stripe is now identified as just a graphical glitch probably generated by a long song/tune with particularly busy content/structure and key signature changes that altogether might confuse BIAB now and then.

This might also bear out your observations Graham?

It doesn't affect the work, which plays normally underneath.

In this regard, the initial sound-quality issue seemed to disappear though I can't account definitively for that. I developed the piece a little further which included removing a bar or two here and adding a couple there along with one or two refinements, and then it did not have the sound issue any more and I couldn't then replicate it either. It may still be around all the same however for the right-wrong set of circumstances.

So now I don't have a problem with the grey stripe appearing as it is just a presentation hiccup across a few bars, and is likely only to appear in the occasional more-complex structure anyway.

Though, by deselecting "New line for every section" in Options > Display > Preferences the glitch can be made to disappear if you want.

My thanks and appreciation go to Kent for untangling all of this!

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