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Posted By: dwebert Record Audio question - 12/30/13 08:49 PM
Dear all,
I've recorded an audio today and try to understand what BiaB does.
Where is this audio track stored? Is it true that the recorded audio isn't visible in the mixer window or somewhere else when played back? Does it mean that there is no way to post process the recorded audio (adding reverb, ...)? Or do I have to use RealBand for post processing?

Posted By: sixchannel Re: Record Audio question - 12/30/13 09:02 PM
Originally Posted By: sep57u60
Dear all,
I've recorded an audio today and try to understand what BiaB does.
Where is this audio track stored? Is it true that the recorded audio isn't visible in the mixer window or somewhere else when played back? Does it mean that there is no way to post process the recorded audio (adding reverb, ...)? Or do I have to use RealBand for post processing?


+1 on the answer to that one when it comes.
I've been playing with recording my guitar Lead line into BIAB. If you click on Audio - Record audio, the VUs drop down and I think unless you record it dry the only way to add FX is to send it to RB or export the lot as wavs into your favourite DAW and play with it in there. It would be nice to be wrong on this. lol!!
I COULD use my Effects Unit / Pedals /Amp SIm to colour the sound but the trouble with that is that once you've recorded it, you are stuck with it.

Posted By: Mac Re: Record Audio question - 12/30/13 09:18 PM

  • When you Record Audio track, a .wav file is placed in the same folder with the same filename as the bb songfile.

  • As long as that .wav file stays there, it will automatically load with the bb song.

  • Ex: "mysong.sgu" along with "mysong.wav" in the same folder.

  • To expose the Mixer channel strip for the Audio Track, look at the very bottom of the new Mixer QUI, lower RH corner, and hit the + button that says, "Audio".

  • Once the Mixer Audio channel is showing, you can Click on the slotname to add Effects.
Posted By: dwebert Re: Record Audio question - 12/30/13 09:49 PM
Mac !
Many thanks ! That was exactly what I was looking for.

Posted By: sixchannel Re: Record Audio question - 12/30/13 10:14 PM
+1 for that, Mac.
Many thanks
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