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Posted By: MJames Realtracks in BIAB, Add a Solo Break - 02/03/14 03:27 AM
I am trying to add a solo break on the first chorus using realtracks in BIAB. Anyone had any success in doing this? I have tried all the correct setting but the playback isn't behaving. Before you post please make sure your solution works. Remember I'm using Realtrack only.
Posted By: solidrock Re: Realtracks in BIAB, Add a Solo Break - 02/03/14 04:20 AM
Open Soloist Dialog (Soloist Button) Choose realtrack top left, in the middle right "Solo Which Choruses ?" First > Yes-solo Middle > No-solo Last > No-solo, there are more settings if you wanna play around, and you can click on Bar 1 hit F5 set solo to mute, go to chorus start bar hit F5 set solo to Back to Normal.
That worked when I tried it so good luck. You can have a play with RealBand, you can visually see where things in that, but depending on what you are doing ?
Posted By: Noel96 Re: Realtracks in BIAB, Add a Solo Break - 02/03/14 06:04 AM
Hi MJames,

If solidrock's solution doesn't work for you, can you please give us some more information. I can confirm that solos do indeed play and that it's possible to have them playing on any bars you want.

What we need to know so that we can help with your problem...

1. What bars on Chorus #1 did you want the solo to play?

2. What is the name of the solo?

3. Are any tracks frozen?

It would also be useful to know what the steps were when you tried to create the solo.

Posted By: sslechta Re: Realtracks in BIAB, Add a Solo Break - 02/03/14 07:41 PM
This was just posted on the "Post Your Own Tips and Tricks here" forum:

RealBand: Generating Sections of RealTracks:

It may help you do this.
Posted By: MJames Re: Realtracks in BIAB, Add a Solo Break - 02/05/14 06:09 PM
I wasn't very clear. I want solo break for myself as the soloist. I want a "Shot on beat 1 of bar 31 and silence for the rest of bar 31 and bar 32. Then I go onto solo the second time through the form. I only want the solo break to happen once in the whole song. Just like in a real jazz group.
Posted By: Noel96 Re: Realtracks in BIAB, Add a Solo Break - 02/05/14 06:22 PM
If you want to solo without any backing and all instruments to play a shot on beat 1 of bar 31, then use the following

In bar 31, type X.. (where X is the chord you have; ".." means "shot") and have no chord in bar 32.

Say you want to keep the Drum track going throughout the 2 bars while the other tracks play a shot, then use X..d

If you want to keep the Drum track and what's on the Piano track playing as backing for the two bars while you solo then use X..dp

The above shortcuts can be accessed using "right-click | chord settings" when in the chord sheet view.

Hope this helps,
Posted By: MJames Re: Realtracks in BIAB, Add a Solo Break - 02/06/14 07:47 PM
Do you actually try it with Real Drums and Real track Piano and bass? I did, and it didn't work correctly. Try it, maybe there is something wrong with my BIAB 2014 program. I have the latest patch installed also.
Posted By: DrDan Re: Realtracks in BIAB, Add a Solo Break - 02/06/14 09:14 PM
What Noel has provided is BIAB 101. Can you show us a screenshot? Or better yet upload your file.
Posted By: Noel96 Re: Realtracks in BIAB, Add a Solo Break - 02/07/14 05:52 AM
Hi MJames,

There must be something set in your song that is stopping this from working as described. Either that or I'm not understanding what you want.

Can you send me a copy of your SGU file?

You can find my email address if you click on "Noel96" on the left of this message and then choose "View User Profile".

Kind regards,
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