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I have a bunch of text files with chords and lyrics for all of my songs. Is there any way to import chord progressions from a text file? I know I can type them into BIAB but I have quite a few and it would be nice to automate the inputting process as much as possible.
If you're running Win 8/8.1, I would suggest downloading, for streaming, if not for direct streaming of WiFi...

You will find most all your songs streamed by the artist or artists that made them best sellers, or at least, sought after by singers and accompanyist alike. As of right now, I've not solved the problem of grabbing all of the chord changes. I'm looking at a program called "" that may possibly solve the problem to a great extent, as it's a program for converting audio to midi, a step sequencer of sorts, that has a deep, deep programmable "stature". You can download a free 10-day trial!!

Without a doubt, unless your running Mac, IPads, Itunes...if it's win XP or old stuff like that, that will soon be unsupported...

Move on up to Win 8 and 8.1, which is necessary to run X-Box and all the free shortcut programs that are availble free once you've signed up for free streaming downloads which include vocals, if they were featured.
That's been my simple solution to finding the greatest arrangements that go well with my jazz guitar and keyboard synths.
No, I do not believe such an option exists. There has been mention of it in the Wishlist, but not for quite awhile.

Any chance that you could do me a big favor and download the ten-day free trial of "", to give me some feedback as to it's ability to help "almost" solve the audio to midi conversion they can do with their very me...conversion program??
Several concerts in the next few days; please send me a reminder next Wed.
Thanks Matt! I was hoping for an easy way to bring a bunch of my old songs into BIAB. Guess I'll get started typing!
No problem...I'l give you a PM then...and until, have a great time gigging with your group!!
The n-track program is made in Italy.

It looks quite alright, if you ask me.

It's well-priced for what it does... damn, I'm SO tempted!

What does it do for you, GDaddy? Care to explain?

Text lyrics can not be imported into BIAB or RealBand. The feature has been requested a few times in the wishlists for both products.

The Audio Chord Wizard (ACW) can analyze an audio file to develop a tempo map and chord progression of about any song with a 4/4 or 3/4 time signature. Songs with multiple time signatures seem to work better with the audio file split up so the ACW can analyze just one time signature at a time. ACW also seems to develop a more accurate tempo map if the F8 key is used to identify major song sections such as intro, verse, chorus or outro instead of at the beginning of each bar.

Perhaps those desiring the development of a feature to import lyrics will +1 the existing wishlist requests and add their thoughts regarding how they would like to see the feature work.

Time is an important commodity so any time saving feature is worth development, if it saves enough time for enough users.
Originally Posted By: Jim Fogle

ACW also seems to develop a more accurate tempo map if the F8 key is used to identify major song sections such as intro, verse, chorus or outro instead of at the beginning of each bar.

Jim, I have not heard of this and still faithfully plow through a song pressing F8 every bar. Is this info something you discovered?
You should be able to make something up to do that, it depends on how many you don't want to type in:

I received the advice from my brother who mentioned the idea after seeing it mentioned in a YouTube video.

I was fairly frustrated with the Audio Chord Wizard. It seemed many of the songs it analyzed would have the tempo doubled, i.e a song with an average 110 BPM tempo would end up with a 220 BPM tempo map.

Since I started following my brother's suggestion, tempo has become a non issue.

I hate it when my little brother is right! laugh
Thanks for this info. How about making a post in the Tips and Tricks forum?

By the way, was the YouTube video one by PG Music?
Matt, never saw the video myself. I just followed the suggestions and started getting better Audio Chord Wizard tempo map results.

The suggestions have been posted to Tips and Tricks. Thank you for making the suggestion.
Posted By: DrDan Re: Any Easy Way To Import Chord Progressions? - 03/31/14 09:40 PM
Great suggestion and perfect timing. I am doing a demo for a forum friend to show what can be done with his MP3 and adding a RT piano. Getting the tempo across the whole song is a bear, but if I send only the first verse not so bad.

Can put it all together in my DAW.

That's another good point. Following this tip about F8 only for sections is a lot easier and quicker than using F8 every measure.
Was looking for an Android app for offline song creation that the PGAPP won't do, found ChordBot app and Band2Play app that also has a PC version also:
Band2Play 1.0 you can copy & paste your cords in, save to midi then import to BB, there is a Band2Play 2.0 but don't think you can copy n paste chords in ?

Band2Play 1.0

Band2Play 2.0
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