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Posted By: Bob_B Doubletime swing feel? - 08/10/14 08:41 PM
I'd like to use a jazz swing style that has its B substyle as doubletime. I searched in the stylepicker with "doubletime", but got no hits. Are there any styles that incorporate a doubletime feel? If so, what keyword do I use to find them? If there are none, what the easiest way to achieve a doubletime feel?

Thanks for the help,

Posted By: solidrock Re: Doubletime swing feel? - 08/10/14 09:32 PM
_BAL2AB1.STY JazzBal Doub-Time-B(in2) (60 RS)

_BAL2AB2.STY JazzBal Doub-Time-B(walk)(60 RS)

_BAL2TGS.STY JBalladDoubleTimeB,GuitSol(60RS)

_BAL2TSX.STY Jazz Ballad, Double Time at B

Click on the .CSV Button.
Posted By: Bob_B Re: Doubletime swing feel? - 08/10/14 11:26 PM
Thanks solidrock. I never used the csv button before you mentioned it. That's a great way to search.

Posted By: Noel96 Re: Doubletime swing feel? - 08/11/14 01:05 AM
Hi Solidrock,

Thanks for mentioning the CSV button. I've never played with that one before. It's great to have a list of styles and full Stylepicker information in spreadsheet format.

Seems like there's always something new to learn about BIAB that's independent of the number of years I've been using the program!

Posted By: Bob_B Re: Doubletime swing feel? - 08/11/14 01:39 PM
Word bro smile

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