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Posted By: sixchannel RT223 - STILL GOT TROUBLE - 12/06/14 01:20 PM
Got update 411
RT223 is still not right -
Check out RT223 - it says it has TWO Styles -
_NWORLFM.STY. NewOrleans MardiGras Fast[170RS]
_NWORMRG.STY. NewOrleans MardiGras Slow[85RS]

Load from cold -
-The "fast" style says its loaded at 170bpm but is actually playing at 85.
-the "slow" style also says its loaded at 170, even though its meant to be SLOW and indeed it plays at 170bpm which is ridiculously too fast.
Also - is it me? - both tracks are Ev8 (or EV16).
If I slow down the "slow" one, which is actually playing FAST (I hope you are still following me - lol)then its exactly the same "feel" as the other one,
I did "talk" to Support, but does anyone NOT get what I get?
Posted By: percy Re: RT223 - STILL GOT TROUBLE - 12/06/14 01:37 PM

I still got trouble too with the fast New Orleans style as well as your issues with the slow one. Slow style has to be set at 85 BPM to sound right.

Now get a load of this- when I invoke the fast style on a file with a C F and G7 chord, the bass and electric guitar only generate on the G7 chord.

Beats me. I've sent Tech Support the file.


Posted By: sixchannel Re: RT223 - STILL GOT TROUBLE - 12/06/14 03:04 PM
Originally Posted By: percy

I still got trouble too with the fast New Orleans style as well as your issues with the slow one. Slow style has to be set at 85 BPM to sound right.

Now get a load of this- when I invoke the fast style on a file with a C F and G7 chord, the bass and electric guitar only generate on the G7 chord.

Beats me. I've sent Tech Support the file.


Yep, I get that, Percy. I think it's "generating" so fast in its algorythmn even though you HAVE to slow it down for it to work at all, that the time to generate a half bar chord is too short, so it skips it.
Posted By: JBlue7 Re: RT223 - STILL GOT TROUBLE - 12/06/14 04:46 PM
Hi Guys,
After being delighted for a quick update and that the drums are now available I have had more time to look at the realtracks and agree with you guys, things are not quite right as yet with the tempos, it's just not sounding right with the NewOrleans sets
I tell myself every year to wait until the last day of the offers before ordering to save the time and frustration of waiting for fixes as there are always are some. PG do a great job but I'm sure a bit more testing before putting on the market would be better.
After over 20 years I think this will be my last upgrade to biab it is just getting too complex and I think they have gone as far as they can go now for my needs, the vast majority of new enhancements I will never use and the realtracks are getting a bit samey. It would be good to have some work done on the interface to bring it more up to date with modern windows programs and menus.
A great program.
A lifetime user, Jeff
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