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I have emailed PG Music but not had any response so I thought I would try here in the hope that someone from PG is looking.

I ordered the above last night (around midnight UK so 4pm Canada?) but it has not appeared in my account yet.
I had hoped that I would be able to get the 90Gb+ downloaded by the end of the weekend but maybe nothing will happen until Monday now frown

I can provide the order number of required.

Not sure of their hours, but worth a call to resolve.
Just noticed your UK location....$$$$$, but not sure there.

Bottom of the page.
lOOK IN YOUR EMAIL. I ordered today and they sent me an email with the serial number and nownload links in the email. Past the serial number into the accounts page and then the downloads appear.
Thanks seeker and earl kirby.

Believe me I have been checking my email every 2 minutes and there's nothing there even though in the correspondence up to that point I was told that the serial number would be emailed.

Never mind I guess they will sort it out on Monday (probably late afternoon/early evening for me). Just a bit disappointing after debating long and hard about whether to upgrade, only to bite the bullet and then have to wait another 3 days to get it (plus however long it takes to download).
check your email spam /junk folder JUST in case -hope you get it soon

Also probably not much help but seeing that you are relatively new here do you have a PG account? (not same as a forum account) if you do - look there

Good Luck

Log into your account at (separate account than forum) and click on My Products. Once in there you should see the serial number and download links.
Thanks guys, appreciate your support.

I have checked my pg music account also every 2 minutes and it only shows my biab pro purchase at the beginning of the month.
I'm located in the US so shipping time is not the same, but I ordered the USB Hard Drive yesterday, and received it today. (Thank you PGMUSIC!)


Did you go through all the steps to pay for your order? My experience is that once I have paid for the order, a confirmation is sent to my email address.

I have never had any issue with an internet purchase.

I was wondering that too. Maybe your payment didn't process.
Hi Neol96 and sslechta,

A lady from PG Music marketing set-up an order for me and gave me an order number so I had to reference this order in my PayPal payment which is what I did.

I suspect the issue is that someone from sales has to then receive the order and "associate" it with my account and email me a serial number. When it is done this way the process is no longer fully automated but requires someone at PG to actually do something.

From my unanswered emails to the sales and marketing email addresses since then I assume they must have "gone home for the weekend". So as a last resort I have now emailed support although I suspect their response will be that their "sales dept deal with orders" or something like that.

I have to say that I do feel a bit let down, having spent the best part of $200 to be left without any product to show for it for the entire weekend.
Hi again, receder.

I understand your disappointment.

Why not have a look under the "Support" link at the very top of this webpage and then click on "Live Chat".

If anyone is around at PG Music, you will get hold of them quickest doing it this way. It may be that Live Chat is manned even when sales staff are not there to handle emails.

My past experience is that PG Music operate on extended hours when a new release is made available.

Just a thought,
i ordered the same and had a notice the very next day, i decided rather than wrestle 90 gigs of download i would wait a few days for the HDrive to arrive.
Thanks Noel96,

I have tried that but I suspect time difference is the issue now as I don't get any response.
It is 1:30 pm here in the UK so by my reckoning it is around 5:30am in Victoria, Canada.

I'll just have to wait it out. I guess it will be worth it in the end for the considerable saving.

Robh - I decided on the download rather than international shipping of the hard drive as it should have been quicker to arrive (less than 3 hours with my broadband maxed out) and also I might end up paying import duty for the hard drive.
Hi Receder,

Check your inbox. smile
Thanks Callie, downloading now! Here goes.......
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