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Here is the problem I am running into when trying to add a new realtrack to an already existing style. Follow these steps and see if you get the same results.

1. Chose New Song
2. Pick _T_FSHIN.STY
3. Don't add any chords. Just let it stay at a default C chord thru-out the entier default 32 measures.
4. Put the cursor on the 1st measure.
5. Press F5
6. Click on the RealTracks button
7. On the Strings track, Change RealTrack to 377 Guitar, Resonator, Background Trav Ev 088
8. Click OK
9. Click OK again

For me, nothing changes in the Strings Track in the Mixer. If I press Generate and Play, RealTrack 377 is not added to the song in the strings track.


1. If I right click on the Strings track in the Mixer
2. Select Best "All" RealTracks []...
3. Chose RealTrack to 377 Guitar, Resonator, Background Trav Ev 088 from the list
4. Click OK

It is added to the strings track just fine and plays then I generate the song.

Question: How come I cannot add the real track to the strings track by pressing F5 at the 1st measure.

Now here is another "related problem" in the program that I am finding.

1. Chose New Song
2. Pick _T_FSHIN.STY
3. Don't add any chords. Just let it stay at a default C chord thru-out the entier default 32 measures.
4. Put the cursor on say the 6th measure instead of the 1st measure.
5. Press F5
6. Click on the RealTracks button
7. On the Strings track, Change RealTrack to 377 Guitar, Resonator, Background Trav Ev 088
8. Click OK
9. Click OK again
10. Generate & Play the song.

This time the strings track plays #377 RealTrack OK but the mixer has the label blanked out and the notation of 1152:Silence. When the songs gets to measure #6 and the Guitar, Resonator, Background Trav Ev 088 starts playing, the mixer still shows 1152:Silence even though RealTrack #377 is playing.

Is anyone getting the same results and is there a fix for this.

On my end it is the usual stuff. Using 2015 with all the patches and Return To Factory Settings has already been tried.
Yes, that's all normal behavior.

Normally you would be picking one realtrack for the whole track. In this case, you don't use the f5 dialog, as that is only to change a realtracks at a certain bar. So that in the example 1 above, you wouldn't change rt at bar 1, you'd just add a rt to the track using the right click menu.

Changing rt at a bar won't be reflected in the mixer. Only tracks that have realtracks assigned already can have the realtracks changed. For example, a track with a loop cannot have a realtracks change assigned to it.
If I may.....

I don't add real tracks in BB. I complete the song writing/composing there, in the style I selected and save it as a BB file.

I open REAL BAND and load the BB song file into it. All the tracks load and the style is used from the BB file.

NOW.... I simply select any of the tracks.... usually the one with the longest length and then I click on one of the unused tracks under the populated tracks and choose Create a new Real Track from the list.... You can add as many tracks that are not in that style or even are in the style as you wish.

You can then edit, cut, copy, paste, to your hearts desire to get exactly what you want the song or tracks to sound like.

I have used the functions that allow me to swap out one instrument in BB for a different one.... but I saw no real benefit to the workflow I use to consider doing that IN my workflow. I generally start the recording process towards my finished song with the first rendering of the tracks in Real Band. Up to that point, I'm simply writing and composing.making sure the song structure, chords, tempo, and key are suitable for the project.

Back to you....that's just my 2 cents.
Since I don't use RB and have absoutely no reason to use that program at this time, my work around was to just modify the _T_FSHIN in the style editor and add RT #377 to the strings track, save the new style as _T_FISHR.STY and go from there.

I would have liked to name it something other then _T_FISHR but I am restricted to the archaic 8.3 naming system, but that is a topic for another discussion.

In the meantime, it works just fine this way. smile
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