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Posted By: rastas66 Should I upgrade to BIAB 2015 yet? - 01/09/15 11:19 AM
I've been watching this forum regularly since BIAB 2015 for Windows was released as I want to upgrade from 2014. However, the number of problems other folks are having with 2015 are beginning to put me off. All I want is a proper bug-free working product for making music but, as things stand, I think I would be spending more time trying to work around the many bugs that this program has. Does anybody know if PG Music intend to release the definitive 'fix' for all the problems in the near future?
Posted By: Mark McDowell Re: Should I upgrade to BIAB 2015 yet? - 01/09/15 11:57 AM
My thoughts are this: there will NEVER be a "definitive" fix for all the problems. Here's why - in developing complex software, there are always areas of the problem to be solved that are not as well understood as others - and you can only create software that implements "what you know". Making music is a VERY complex problem, with lots of areas for misunderstanding and lots of areas for just plain, "I don't know". In addition, writers of software do so with their own ideas about how the resulting product will be used - but actual users almost ALWAYS come up with new and creative ways to use products. Creative endeavors are always like that.

Microsoft, which has LOTS of developer and analyst resources still has bugs in their software. PG Music has a talented group of analysts, developers and musicians working on it, but do not have the resources of Microsoft, so we cannot ever assume that the software will be perfect in all usage scenarios.

So, when you decide whether or not to upgrade, seriously consider - there are LOTS of people making LOTS of music and having LOTS of fun with BIAB 2015. There are also some that are having problems with it. Your question to answer is: do I want the new features badly enough, and can I make ENOUGH of my music to justify the potential frustrations along the way. If the answer is yes, then upgrade. Otherwise, wait.
Posted By: Noel96 Re: Should I upgrade to BIAB 2015 yet? - 01/09/15 03:12 PM
Hi rasta,

I have 2015 that I run on Vista 32-bit. It is running fine and is as stable as 2014 for me. (I have the Everything Pak.)

Posted By: Guitarhacker Re: Should I upgrade to BIAB 2015 yet? - 01/09/15 03:19 PM
Here's my take on this issue.

I have seen lots of releases on new software from a variety of companies....

As soon as it comes out, everyone rushes to buy it and the complaints start rolling in. Never fails.

I, at some point, decide to take the plunge and buy it/upgrade.

I install it according to the instructions, and load the updates (if any) and start the program. 99.9% of the time I have ZERO issues. I can't even duplicate some of the issues if I try.

So, if you want to upgrade.... go ahead and do it. Don't worry about issues that someone else is having because there is a good chance you will not have troubles.

Issues can come from a variety of other issues..... hardware in the other machine..... people pushing the limits..... full hard drives....... etc....
Posted By: raymb1 Re: Should I upgrade to BIAB 2015 yet? - 01/09/15 03:24 PM
+1 Well said Mark. Welcome to the forum. Later, Ray
Posted By: Matt Finley Re: Should I upgrade to BIAB 2015 yet? - 01/09/15 03:35 PM
I agree with Mark and Noel.

rastas66, from your forum registration date, you may have only been through one release of BIAB, and if you didn't buy in early December, you may not know that it is perfectly normal to release a few quick patches. I consider that the company does this to be a tremendous strength, not a problem.

In my usage so far, version 2015 has the fewest problems of all recent BIAB releases, and I have experience with BIAB going back to the early 1990s.
Posted By: DHD Re: Should I upgrade to BIAB 2015 yet? - 01/09/15 03:40 PM
I held off until 30 Dec 14 before placing my order.
But I do agree with you, and almost did not place my order at all.
Seems to be many more problems being reported for this release than any previous releases.
This is the first time I felt more fearful in placing my order than excitement.
I am hoping that by ordering the DVDs and not attempting the download option, maybe I won't encounter as many negative issues.
(But I'm still waiting for the DVDs to arrive)

There are a great bunch of folks here on the forum and at PG music that have helped me with problems in the past and I have never got stuck with any unresolved problems.
So with that past success, I took the chance and renewed again this year.
Posted By: AudioTrack Re: Should I upgrade to BIAB 2015 yet? - 01/09/15 05:14 PM
All good information above.

Keep in mind that the discounted upgrade price will very likely not be extended beyond Jan 15th. PG Music periodically release patches, so you will be able to get these if available.

I'm running 2015, with no 'show-stopper' issues.
Posted By: DrDan Re: Should I upgrade to BIAB 2015 yet? - 01/09/15 06:53 PM
A extremely hard decision this year for a number of different reasons. It will likely come down to the wire....
Posted By: JohnJohnJohn Re: Should I upgrade to BIAB 2015 yet? - 01/09/15 07:27 PM
Originally Posted By: rastas66
I've been watching this forum regularly since BIAB 2015 for Windows was released as I want to upgrade from 2014. However, the number of problems other folks are having with 2015 are beginning to put me off. All I want is a proper bug-free working product for making music but, as things stand, I think I would be spending more time trying to work around the many bugs that this program has. Does anybody know if PG Music intend to release the definitive 'fix' for all the problems in the near future?

There are no must-have features in 2015 that I have noticed; the top feature they advertise is improved GUI but it has honestly "improved" very little (maybe we have moved from Win 3 to Win 3.1!) laugh

After using it for just a few weeks I'd say 2015 is no more buggy than 2014. So if you are concerned about bugs I have not seen any in 2015 that would make me avoid it.

I upgraded the day it went on sale to get all of the new RealTracks. Had it only been about the new features I would have waited this one out. But, I am addicted to RealTracks!
Posted By: DrDan Re: Should I upgrade to BIAB 2015 yet? - 01/09/15 08:26 PM
Thanks J3, that is helpful. Actually, my main criteria is "will it help me play better"? That is my current priority as I have initiated a woodshedding effort to improve my playing skills.

Up to now my answer to this question is "no, it will not". Actually, I have convinced myself that BIAB has been detrimental to my playing over the past years. Too much reliance on the program and not forcing myself to do my part.

So I passed when the New Year dead line came. Time will tell what happens come Jan 15??
Posted By: Matt Finley Re: Should I upgrade to BIAB 2015 yet? - 01/09/15 08:43 PM
By the way, Peter Gannon has already identified fixes that will appear in the next build. Remember that asking about updates on this forum usually makes little sense, as we are but users and do not speak for PG Music.
Posted By: PeterGannon Re: Should I upgrade to BIAB 2015 yet? - 01/09/15 09:19 PM
>> Up to now my answer to this question is "no, it will not". Actually, I have convinced myself that BIAB has been detrimental to my playing over the past years. Too much reliance on the program and not forcing myself to do my part.

Wow, that's (seriously) the first time in 26 years that I've heard someone say that BIAB has been detrimental to their playing. I'm talking about if you play along with it, not just watch it. With the addition of RealTracks there are lots of ways to learn from BIAB.

What instrument do you play?

I play guitar and piano. I find that Band-in-a-Box improves my playing of both of those.

For example:

- playing along in time with other instruments is by itself great practice, and with RealTracks is a lot more fun because it sounds good.

- choosing from RealTracks artists on my instrument allows me to hear (and see in notation and fretobard) what they are playing.
Posted By: PeterGannon Re: Should I upgrade to BIAB 2015 yet? - 01/09/15 09:21 PM
>>> the number of problems other folks are having with 2015 are beginning to put me off.

fwiw, there have been a lot less support issues with Band-in-a-Box 2015 compared to previous releases.
Posted By: PeterGannon Re: Should I upgrade to BIAB 2015 yet? - 01/09/15 09:29 PM
One thing to remember, is that the special ends January 15, and doesn't get extended beyond that. So for example, the Everything Pak upgrade that you can get for $159 goes up to $379 on January 16. Getting the current (2015) version also means that you get all the free updates during the year.
Posted By: ZeroZero Re: Should I upgrade to BIAB 2015 yet? - 01/10/15 09:01 AM
Actually, I have convinced myself that BIAB has been detrimental to my playing over the past years. Too much reliance on the program and not forcing myself to do my part.

I can understand what you mean, but I think it's misconstrued. There is such a thing as rubato playing or free timing. I prefer playing some jazz ballads solo, I can pause, steep up or slow down as I please. Also a band can hide a bit of sloppy playing (to a degree, if it must).

However, you need BOTH SKILLS

Despite its many foibles bugs etc - and I am a critic. BIAB is simply the BEST

smile it just needs to get better...

Also: Compare the price of new real tracks with buying a stack of play along songs. I buy simply for the new RTs.

Posted By: earl kirby Re: Should I upgrade to BIAB 2015 yet? - 01/11/15 03:16 PM
Heres a vote for upgrading. No problems to speak of since upgrading to 2015. But I don't do anything with it but play the jukebox while I work on my websites so what difference does it make to me??? Someday I'm going to make some music with this program. Just gotta catch up on all my work first!!!
Posted By: AudioTrack Re: Should I upgrade to BIAB 2015 yet? - 01/11/15 03:42 PM
Originally Posted By: jazzmandan
Actually, my main criteria is "will it help me play better"?

Up to now my answer to this question is "no, it will not". Actually, I have convinced myself that BIAB has been detrimental to my playing over the past years.

Dan, you should perhaps try thinking of BiaB as being other members of a band. If you were playing with real professional musicians, even just rehearsing, you would probably put in a fairly serious effort to keep up, deliver your best.

Originally Posted By: jazzmandan
Too much reliance on the program and not forcing myself to do my part.

You answered your problem. It's up to you, not BiaB!

(PS: 3 days left...)
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