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Help> Index > "searchengine" do not work in BIAB 2015.

When trying to write something to search for, BIAB simply stop working., after the latest update. To click on existing words etc. works fine.
Originally Posted By: René Lamonde
Help> Index > "searchengine" do not work in BIAB 2015.

When trying to write something to search for, BIAB simply stop working., after the latest update. To click on existing words etc. works fine.

Hi René
Presumably you are not trying to search for the phrase "searchengine" but are trying to use the Windows Help facility.
If you select BiaB > Help > Topic Search does this give the same result (does it launch help at all)?

It sounds as though the BiaB Help facility is not correctly installed on your computer. Are you running from external drive? Can you try reinstalling BiaB over the top of the existing installation? Does other Help work from within other programs?
Rene, the Help, Index stops for me after typing the first character, and the system freezes. I have reported it and PG Music confirmed it is a bug. I do not know how widespread it is, or if it might be limited to just Windows 8.1 and/or the latest build.
I should have mentioned I am using Windows 7 Ultimate, 64bit, SP1. It is working OK for me.
It works fine for me in Vista 32-bit, too.
Help-Index works fine for me. You might want to contact PG by phone to see if they can help you.
Ditto - works no issues here: again Win 7 Pro, 64-bit, SP 1
I think as Matt pointed out that it must be a Windows 8(.1) related issue. René didn't mention what O/S. René, are you running Windows 8?
Except that Ray is using 8.1 and it works for him, so I'm stumped. Whatever it is, since PG Music knows about it, let's hope the next patch addresses it.
Are you using 8.1 on a Desktop, Laptop or Tablet type device?
I notice Ray's using a touchscreen(?) laptop. I wonder if this might be related
I'm seeing lots of postings via Google with folks having trouble with Winhlp32.exe and the Windows 8.1 update that happened back in December.

I just tried my Windows 8.1 and it locks up also when trying to search. Windows 7 works fines.
As PG Music commented in another thread when acknowledging the bug report, you can always just run the Help program by itself as a temporary workaround.
Thanks all! I will check what it can be in my case. Using Windows 8.1.
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