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Posted By: CountryTrash Number of styles discrepancy issue? - 12/10/15 04:25 AM
I just added some legacy bonus packs and then did the slow Rebuild

All the messages during that process reports 5071 styles in list but when it completes the new style picker reports 4735 items in the list? I have made sure that I cleared the filter!!!

That's 336 styles that not in the new style picker???
Posted By: PeterGannon Re: Number of styles discrepancy issue? - 12/10/15 04:42 AM
There are a few hundred MIDI styles that intentionally are not shown in the StylePicker. This is because they are part of Multistyles (a style that has 12 substyles for example gets 6 styles made for it, but only the first one -named Mystyle+.sty would be the one to play).

I'll update the "total styles" found so that it doesn't count these styles, and then the totals will match up.

So, in summary, it doesn't look like you're missing any styles. You should press Other - and show styles that are N/A and then list only styles that are not found, to see if you are missing any.
Posted By: CountryTrash Re: Number of styles discrepancy issue? - 12/10/15 10:16 AM
Thanks Peter ....

I'll relax now and get on with having the fund as instructed!!! (Sir)
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