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Posted By: Vincent7344 Drum fill - 11/28/16 03:46 AM


Can anyone point me to a tutorial or advise me about starting a song with a drum fill/roll.

I have been trying to follow this video that creates a backing track for Sultans of Swing.

I lose him when he makes that drum intro at bar 1.

All I get is a choice between the A part, and the B part.

How do I get the same result as the video

Thanks in advance.

Posted By: DEddy Re: Drum fill - 11/28/16 10:44 AM
I don't have BIAB open right now.
Try F5, mute all instruments except the Drums.

Posted By: Guitarhacker Re: Drum fill - 11/28/16 11:09 AM
He showed it right there. It seemed pretty straightforward and simple to do using his method.

You can also select the instruments to play or mute measure by measure.

I have used a similar method.... I don't know that I split the bar out but I do think I had 2 blue marked bars in a row and muted everything except the drums.
Posted By: Matt Finley Re: Drum fill - 11/28/16 04:34 PM
The 'biggest' fill occurs when going from a green part marker to a blue, but the choice of markers for you depends on what type your intro is. In most of my songs, intros are green, settling down to a blue part marker for the A section (verse). You might want a different colored part marker in bar 1 (muted via F5) than in bar 2. Or the same. You just have to experiment with that particular drum kit.
Posted By: Vincent7344 Re: Drum fill - 11/28/16 10:24 PM
It might seem straightforward to you, but it isn't to me.

Stopping all instruments, and just leaving drums on is easy. Starting all instruments again is easy.

What I cannot get is a drum roll on the first bar....can you?

What I get is one bar of regular drums, nice little roll. I can get either 'A' pattern, or 'B' pattern, but no intro roll

Have you actually tried it?

Posted By: Vincent7344 Re: Drum fill - 11/28/16 10:28 PM
Yes, it did seem easy, but I couldn't get it to work. Which is the reason for the question.

I seem to be only able to choose between part 'A', or part 'B'.

Neither of these one bar patterns sound anything like the intro drum roll that is heard on the video.

Obviously I'm missing something, I'm just wondering f anyone knows what it is.

Can anyone duplicate it?

Posted By: Vincent7344 Re: Drum fill - 11/28/16 10:34 PM

The muting of instruments, and then making them sound at bar 2 is easy enough using F5.

I can actually do that.

What I can't seem to get is the same drum roll he gets in Bar 1. I am using the same drum RT that he is using.

I know the part marker is supposed to induce a drum fill in the previous bar, but I don't get a fill, I get regular verse drumbeat.

Posted By: Vincent7344 Re: Drum fill - 11/28/16 10:40 PM
Muting and unmuting instruments works's the content of the first bar intro that I can't duplicate.

No matter whether the part marker is green or blue, I don't get that intro roll.

I'd just like to say thank you to everyone who answered. I didn't post here at the first complication. I spent a couple of hours with the manual and online trying to sort it out myself, before I posted here.

Posted By: Matt Finley Re: Drum fill - 11/29/16 12:21 AM
I didn't listen to the video (bad cell service). What is the BIAB drum RealTrack you are using?
Posted By: Vincent7344 Re: Drum fill - 11/29/16 12:27 AM
Thanks for the reply.

The drum track Is RockBritDriving Ev16.

Posted By: Matt Finley Re: Drum fill - 11/29/16 01:41 AM
If you find the actual real track in the /BB/RealTracks folder, you can listen to the raw audio file see if any such drum roll was recorded for that style track. It may not be there.
Posted By: Vincent7344 Re: Drum fill - 11/29/16 03:56 AM

It's definitely there.

If I do a four bar generated intro, I get the roll on the last two bars.

I can then mute the first two bars, and it sounds as per You Tube, but of course the whole thing is two bars away from the count-in.

If I cut the first two bars of the generated intro, then I lose the drum roll.
Posted By: Matt Finley Re: Drum fill - 11/29/16 10:29 AM
Ok. Is the two-bar displacement a problem? I do that all the time.
Posted By: Vincent7344 Re: Drum fill - 11/29/16 11:54 AM

No, it's not going to be a problem.

I was just a little worried I was doing something wrong, and I'm still wondering how that guy did it.

Thanks for the replies though.

Posted By: Guitarhacker Re: Drum fill - 11/29/16 12:25 PM
The thing I have noticed is that every time you generate, unless you have a track frozen, it generates a bit differently each time. Try a few regenerations. You might get lucky. I have. Freeze it when you get it.

Try splitting the line like was shown in the video, and change the bar to blue/green as needed. Experiment.

You can also CHEAT. I hate to use the word "cheat" because it's not cheating, it's being creative. There's no law that says you have to make it work completely to your satisfaction in BB. You can and should have a DAW. ( Real Band is a DAW ) It's generally pretty easy in a good DAW to find a fill or two elsewhere in the track and copy them out, splice them together in the first measure and create the fill or the roll for the drum intro/pickup. I can not count the times I have done this very thing. Not only at the start, but also in the song where I needed a bigger fill than was delivered by BB/RB.

It doesn't matter how you get to the final mix, just as long as you get there.

Just a peek inside my work process: The original sketch or rough draft I create in BB sounds nothing like the final mix that I put up in the showcase for people to hear. I have worked on it and made edits and cuts and splices and overdubs, and all sorts of things have happened in my DAW to get to the final mix with the polish and shine you hear. If I can get BB or RB to do something, it's all well and good, but as is often the case, they won't do exactly what I want so I have to figure out a way to get it done some other way. The only limit you face in getting something done in music today is the limits you set for yourself. Think outside the box and find a way to create what you need.

I have several examples but I won't bore you. You can figure out how to do this if you really want it. And, you will learn so much in the process.
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