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I've noticed that in the last few weeks (maybe since the last update in July?) that the yellow alert which says "Play paused until MIDI note or QWERTY key pressed" usually doesn't go away after the song starts playing like it used to (and should). If I click on the alert, it goes away but I can't do that on stage while playing guitar and singing. I wouldn't care but sometimes I look at the display to confirm where I am and what section or chords are coming up soon and sometimes the alert blocks my view. It does go away as it should sometimes but not usually. Any ideas?
There is a setting for the duration of pop-up messages. Not sure if it will control that (because it's kind of hard to trigger one to test it). Checking:

EDIT: Try adjusting Text Hints in the lower right of Preferences, Display.
Thanks, Matt, but I tried those two suggestions and they had no effect on this...
Quite by accident, I solved my problem. In case anybody is interested, here are the details.

Sometime this year, I began using using the Natural Arrangements option, which adds more info to the yellow alerts that are displayed as a song loads before it plays. It seemed to add a few seconds to the loading time, but I was trying to live with that.

However, I recently discovered that some objectionable chord voicings were happening because of Natural Arrangements. I program songs with very specific chords and Natural Arrangements was changing some of them.

So, because of the undesirable chord changes and increased loading time, I turned off Natural Arrangements, and the yellow alert issue seems to have corrected itself. NOTE: this was done and the problem was fixed for a few days BEFORE installing the new build that was just released, so that isn't what fixed it.
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