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BIAB has never supported multiple monitors correctly. It doesn't recognize the correct dimensions for the window it is running on, and dialogs don't return to the last place they appeared. It has always been a real PITA to use BIAB on a system with more than one monitor, which is becoming a very common configuration these days.

The 2019 upgrade is pretty expensive for a product that doesn't have the most basic compliance with the Windows GUI. Can anybody say if there have been any improvements in multiple monitor support with BIAB 2019?
Just upgraded here from 2018 to 2019 (610)

Using dual 4K TVs, and the best example I would give anyone, is using DaVinci Resolve video editor, multiple monitors is implemented superbly!
My left side monitor is the Primary, right side is the secondary, during bootup, BIOS appears on the Primary, then Win10 is extended to the secondary.

Using Win10 (1803 version), Nvidia GTX-970, BIAB 2019(610) native resolution is 3840x2160, "Scale and Layout" is set to 150%.

The 2018 version was working just fine, displaying full screen on either monitor, although as you referred to, the splash screen, the green and yellow messages, options, etc. would by default always display on the Primary screen, even if BIAB was full screen on the secondary. That is true of most programs being used on dual monitors, and I guess I'm just used to it. The 2019 version works the same way, I don't see any change there.
Sorry! Need to modify my earlier answer....

The options and green and yellow messages DO remember where they were last opened on. I tried moving the BIAB full screen back and forth a couple of times, and it does seem to work correctly. However, the Style Picker always opens on my Primary screen.

Depends on how you look at things, that's convenient to have the Style Picker open in full screen on the left, and BIAB in full screen on the right. If you have a specific question, I'll be glad to check it out.
Originally Posted By: photodoc
Sorry! Need to modify my earlier answer....

The options and green and yellow messages DO remember where they were last opened on. I tried moving the BIAB full screen back and forth a couple of times, and it does seem to work correctly. However, the Style Picker always opens on my Primary screen.

The Style picker opens on the wrong monitor and has completely wrong coordinates. If I try to maximize the window, it opens a rectangle that is not the same as the screen size. I suspect your monitors both have the same dimensions. I have 3 monitors, each with different geometries -- which is absolutely proper with Windows and works correctly with every application I have ever seen, except BIAB.

It appears to me that the PGMusic folks have aren't willing to invest in some reasonable test systems that match how people work today. They ask a lot of money for upgrades. I expect something basic like this to work. If they would spend $500 in a representative monitor configuration, they would immediately see what a mess their software makes of that configuration. It makes the product seem unprofessional.
Yes, using same size monitors here. 2 Vizio 43" 4K TV's. Both 3840x2160 @60fps, native resolution.
It is not a mystery. There are specific things a programmer has to do to play nice with multiple monitors.
Some additional info: When I launch the BIAB app, I have no idea which monitor it will come up on. I wish it would come up the last place it ran, with the same window placement, but that isn't happening.

The bigger problem is that it typically comes up on my third monitor, but it uses the windows geometry of the first monitor. I never want it on my first monitor. I use that only for little accessory windows.

My monitor geometries are:
1: 1050x1680 (portrait orientation)
2: 1842x1200 (which is a little nonstandard, but should be supported by any Windows app)
3: 1900x1080 (also a touch-screen)

When BIAB is running on monitor 2 or 3, if I try to Maximize it, it uses the 1050x1680. In other words, half of the window is off screen, and half the screen displays the desktop instead of the app.

Obviously the app is supposed to enumerate the available monitors and adopt the geometry of the monitor where the app is running. Will PGMusic ever fix this?
I'm running BiaB 2019 in a two monitor environment with Win7 64-bit. Not as fancy as yours. Wish I could afford two 4k TVs, but what I do have is -- to my left, my primary, which is running off my video card's digital connector -- what's it called, I forget? And in front of me is my secondary, which runs from an HDMI output. My primary is an older 22" screen that isn't quite 1080p -- it's 1680 x 1050. My secondary is an LG Ultrawide -- 2560 x 1080.

When I boot my computer the CMOS splash screen appears on my primary -- the monitor to my left, which I actually use as my secondary, and when Windows boots it also appears on this screen.

OK, these are the "system settings," I'd guess you call them. But on the Windows Control Panel's Display Settings page, I have my LG Ultrawide set as my #1 monitor, and my old AOC 22" as my #2 monitor. What this does is, for example, when I install a new piece of software, all the installation popups occur on my LG and the new shortcut is also located on my LG's real estate, if you will.

When I first setup this LG Ultrawide, everything appeared stretched out because of its extra width. But I was able to toggle a setting which reformatted everything such that the proportions were normal and I just wound up with about twice as much real estate.

Now, when I run BiaB -- and any other program, far as that goes -- if I have it set to run on the LG, then that's where it runs. Always. And any sort of popups associated with the program also open up on my LG. All programs behave in this fashion. In fact, when I've dragged something to appear on my left facing screen, it stays there until or if I move it back. IOW, when I shut down that software and reboot it, it will appear where it was last, on the left-facing screen. But when popups occur with one of those packages -- yep, they show up on my LG.

Since I'm having zero problems, I'm wondering now if it might actually be a Windows problem, which concerns me, since I've yet to upgrade to Win10.
Originally Posted By: cooltouch

Since I'm having zero problems, I'm wondering now if it might actually be a Windows problem, which concerns me, since I've yet to upgrade to Win10.

I don't think it is a Windows 10 "problem" per se. I believe I had similar problems on Win 8.1.

It is clear to me that the BIAB software is not programmed to set its window dimensions properly. If it were taking on a random size, I might tend to agree with you, but BIAB is taking on the dimensions of Monitor #1, regardless of where it runs. I have no other applications that have this difficulty.

Admittedly my setup is a little unusual, but perfectly legal as far as Windows is concerned. My monitor 1 is set in portrait mode, which I suppose is quite unusual. Perhaps that is fouling up PGMusic. Whatever it is, it needs to be fixed. Again, this is the only app I have that misbehaves this way.
Honestly, because of the way BiaB is formatted to appear on the screen, I don't see why running in portrait mode should be a problem. Regarding your comment that BiaB takes on the dimensions of Monitor #1, yep, I have the same problem. If I want to run it on my smaller screen, I un-maximize it then resize BiaB's "window" such that it fits on my smaller screen. Unfortunately, when I maximize it again, it reverts back to its size for the large monitor.
There are some quirks and inconsistencies....

When I want to change the name of the song and the window is in my secondary monitor the name dialog reverts to the primary monitor and there is no way (that I could find) to move it to the secondary monitor.

Their testing should actually include a series of tests where the WHOLE system/window is moved to the secondary monitor and all functions are tested to see that everything STAYS on the secondary monitor.

Having said that ... I STILL LOVE BIAB and RB!!!!
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