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Posted By: dalemccl Export RD/RT tracks to .wav files? - 11/03/09 03:40 AM
I have started taking bass guitar lessons and wanted to create a simple song to take to my lesson to play along with, and have the instructor give tips on bass patterns for the song so I can learn to improvise bass instead of just learning bass patterns for well known songs as played by the bass player in that group.

I entered some semi-ramdom chords (all in the same key) in BIAB 2009.5 and selected a style that uses all RT/RD (no MIDI) and generated the song. I want to export the tracks and then import them into a DAW (Sonar), do a little further work in the DAW, then export an mp3 from the DAW with everything but the bass guitar. I will take that mp3 to my lesson

I thought I could export a .wav file per track/instrument in BIAB. When I right click on an instrument at the top, for example "Drums", the menu has a choice to "save RealDrums as .WAV file". That seemed like what I want. However when I choose it , it wants to render a .wav file using a soft synth such as Dxi. That confused me because the track is not MIDI. I thought rendering refers to converting midi to audio. I want the actual RT/RD instrument tracks that BIAB generated to end up in one .wav file per instrument so I can import them into Sonar, with each instrument on its own track.

I can't find anything in the manual or Help, although I am not sure what to look for. I found info about "rendering" but that seems to apply to rendering midi to audio. Didn't see anything in the audio section either.

Is it possible to do what I want to do? How? Thanks.
Posted By: PeterGannon Re: Export RD/RT tracks to .wav files? - 11/03/09 04:22 AM
You can right click on any track, and it will save it as audio (if it is a RealDrums or RealTrack). It would only render a MIDI track (not ReaDrums)

Another way to do it, is to press the WAV button on the toolbar, and press "Direct-Render", after you have first selected "One WAV file per track" - then you'll have separate tracks.
Posted By: FirstBassman Re: Export RD/RT tracks to .wav files? - 11/09/09 09:25 PM

Sorry - What does "It would only render a MIDI track (not ReaDrums)" mean?

"It" what?

More to the point -

I hadn't noticed a problem with this before.
Peter, are you saying that if a song uses RT and/or RD and I render, BiAB uses Midi files instead!?

I don't think so. I've had RT and Rd is songs before and I rendered them just fine ... other than the issue of the tracks starting at different times.
Posted By: rharv Re: Export RD/RT tracks to .wav files? - 11/09/09 10:31 PM
"render" means create an audio track from MIDI data.
You do not 'render' wav files (they are already audio tracks), you render midi TO a wav file or track

I think that is where you are getting confused
Posted By: dalemccl Re: Export RD/RT tracks to .wav files? - 11/09/09 10:40 PM
FirstBassman, "It" meant BIAB's rendering routine. It wasn't actually rendering MIDI, I just thought it was going to, based on the messages that popped up about needing Dxi. I thought Dxi had something to do with MIDI, so I didn't proceed further and actually let it render.

After seeing Peter's reply to my original post, I tried rendering using the "WAV" button, and also by right clicking on an instrument name at the top. Both methods still resulted in messages that said something about needing Dxi. I also got messages about ASIO failure, and messages that BIAB had failed in module xxx at location yyy, or something like that. Despite these messages, BIAB kept running and created audio files that were obviously RT/RD, not MIDI. It created these audio files in real time by playing through the song.

Then I saw in another thread that there is a checkbox for Dxi in one of the options dialogs, and that it should be checked. So I went into the options and checked it, and all the odd messages went away when I render RT/RD to audio files. And it doesn't have to play through the song to create the files, it creates them very quickly. I am still unclear about the Dxi being needed for rendering RT/RD. Probably my understanding is wrong when I associate the concept of Dxi only with MIDI.

In any event, now that I have checked the Dxi box in the options, it all works well without any error messages.
Posted By: rharv Re: Export RD/RT tracks to .wav files? - 11/10/09 12:54 AM
When the 'render' function occurs, it is indeed creating an audio track.
It is using MIDI, making an audio track of what that MIDI would sound like through the DXi synth.
So you end up with an audio track, but it isn't a 'Realtrack' or Realdrum' track,

The Realtracks/Realdrums are actual studio recordings that are chopped up and arranged to fit your song/style. This is different (although both cause the program to create an audio track) - the render method creates an audio track of how that synth sounds when playing the MIDI, and the RealTracks are composites of actual studio musicians recordings that fit in with your song, (but are not direct 'renderings' of the MIDI info).

The difference is in having a MIDI track highlited and then rendering
or selecting a blank audio track and generating a RealTrack part.

It sounds confusing, but you will get the hang of it.
You need the DXi to render MIDI to audio, but the RealTracks do not require the DXi.
I think what was happening was the program went ahead and generated a realtrack when you didn't have a DXi set up to 'render' the MIDI.

Is that possible?
I am not a BiaB poweruser, but know quite a bit about RealBand and PT, so if others know different, speak up!
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