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Hello! My guitar teacher uses Mac, I use Windows. He will sometimes provide a track for a song generated in a Mac, but when I open it it will:

Resist being converted into another style- With this I mean that when I attempt to change styles in the style picker, nothing happens ie it seems to be frozen in one style.

I encounter other types of oddities with those tracks, though I can´t seem to think of any at the moment. Does any one else have that difficulty, and above everything else, a solution?
Thanks, Jim
Hi Ozoro,

Next time you have a problem SGU/MGU file, upload it to Dropbox and post a link to the file here in the forum. That way we can download it and test it to see if we also experience problems. We will then be able to work on solutions, too, if needed.

Could it be that the tracks have been frozen? In Windows, a frozen track will change if there has been a Style change, but I'm not sure what happens with a file that was created on Mac, then frozen, and then opened in Windows.

Noel's idea is definitely worth trying.
Originally Posted By: 0zoro
Hello! My guitar teacher uses Mac, I use Windows. He will sometimes provide a track for a song generated in a Mac, but when I open it it will:

Resist being converted into another style- With this I mean that when I attempt to change styles in the style picker, nothing happens ie it seems to be frozen in one style.

I encounter other types of oddities with those tracks, though I can´t seem to think of any at the moment. Does any one else have that difficulty, and above everything else, a solution?
Thanks, Jim

If your teacher is providing a 'track' then it is likely an audio file or it may be listed as a 'Artist Performance Track'. If that's the case, it will not convert into another style and it is a frozen track.
What version do you use vs. what version does your teacher use?

For example, are they the same year version, and same package? Ie. Pro, MegaPAK, UltraPAK, etc?

Confirm this too, since if you happen to be using different versions it may explain this, depending. Uploading the song file so we can test is a good idea too. Feel free to also send the SGU file in to for us to take a look at, too.
To add on to what Deryk said, you can try the following if you have a smaller package and this may resolve the issue with not being able to swap styles:

Likely what is happening is that you are trying to use a Style you don't have and missed the "please rebuild" message on the status bar in green. When you first install and start using the program, you will need to do a rebuild of the StylePicker to update the list to show you only what you have instead of all the Styles in existence. You can do this by going to Style | StylePicker (Browse All Styles) | Rebuild. You'll want to do a slow rebuild or complete rebuild, and that will update the list. You should then be able to select any of the Styles in the list.
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