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Posted By: heatus One measure intro's? - 09/27/19 09:21 AM
Hi All,

New to Band in the Box after a few years off.

Doing a backing track to Walking Shoes by Gerry Mulligan.

Tune starts off with a one measure intro.

Is there a way to show only 1 measure on the first line and have 3 blank cells which do not play. In other words greyed out cells.

For me to keep my place while playing along, I like to see 4 bar phrases going left to right So most "Standards" would be 8 rows of 4 bars or 32 measures in total.

Thanks in advance for any help to do this.
Posted By: Mojo_Plasma Re: One measure intro's? - 09/27/19 11:59 AM
Yes, If I understand the question...
I am kinda new to BIAB myself, and not at my BIAB Pc BUT...
If memory serves in the Bar settings menu, you can tell each/all instrument to "sit out" then come back in whenever you like.
Or at least I THINK this is correct.
But someone will hop on soon who can answer you for sure.
Posted By: AudioTrack Re: One measure intro's? - 09/27/19 08:47 PM
What version (exactly) of BiaB do you have?

Later versions (about 2016/2017 ) allow you to place a new line for each section (part marker), which I think? is what you want. However, the shortest section might be two bars.

Display Options (1) sets it for all songs.

Song Setting (2) sets it for the current song only.

Attached picture 2019-09-28_09-43-45.jpg
Attached picture 2019-09-28_09-44-57.jpg
Posted By: heatus Re: One measure intro's? - 09/27/19 08:57 PM
I have version 2016 (434). I will try these suggestions tomorrow morning. Appreciate the help.
Posted By: AudioTrack Re: One measure intro's? - 09/27/19 09:19 PM
I'm fairly sure it was introduced by that time. However, I just tried it and I found that I needed to enable the new section function in both places (Display Settings and Song Settings) before I could get it to work at all.

Make sure you set the Minimum Section value to 1.

Attached picture 2019-09-28_10-18-22.jpg
Posted By: heatus Re: One measure intro's? - 09/29/19 08:47 AM
Thanks for the suggestions. Tried both and doesn't solve the problem. What I settled on is to play the one bar intro over the second measure of the "count off".

Maybe as I get more fmiliar with biab I can come up with something.

Good on ya.
Posted By: Dave Re: One measure intro's? - 09/29/19 09:40 AM
You might want to investigate "Lead-in".

In options>preferences>lead-in, you can set lead-in on or off. For BIAB, lead-in is a pickup bar that is used as the equivalent to a turnaround at the end of a song.
It will automatically be printed on the first staff, so even if you have 4 bars per staff, with a lead-in, it will show 5.
The other piece of this puzzle might be count-in, which is typically 2 bars of drum to set the tempo.

Using the two together, you can have the lead-in bar included in the count-in. So the drum sets the tempo and the pickup / lead-in starts in the second bar. There is also a smart count-in that silence the drum during the lead-in notes.

It sounds complicated, but it really isn't. It's kind of 'set it and forget it'
Posted By: Mojo_Plasma Re: One measure intro's? - 09/29/19 06:53 PM
Are you possibly talking about part markers?


Attached picture Untitled-1.jpg
Posted By: AudioTrack Re: One measure intro's? - 09/30/19 12:33 AM
Part markers are what are used to define / delineate the Sections. Yes.
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