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Posted By: John Conley Importing to the UK - 12/09/09 11:29 AM
There has to be a company who specailise (British spelling eh), in this and can receive the stuff and 2nd party ship it.

I used to buy computer stuff in the US and have it brought to Canada. Stuff like Reel to Reel computer tape drives I ran on Unix boxes. If I did it myself cost me an arm and leg. The company just cleared it, they knew the codes/ins outs.

I guess I don't get how you have to sell your house to acquire a wee hard drive.

We have your free trade with the country to the south. That boils down to they can have our natural resources for free, they make it into stuff and the wind blows here and we get free bad air. And anything they make we can get across the border free too. Maybe. Problem is everything seems to be made in China.

Anyways if someone went to Fed Ex or one of the worldwide shipping companies maybe they have some tricks.
Posted By: jford Re: Importing to the UK - 12/09/09 11:37 AM

specailise (British spelling eh)

Or maybe even specialise, eh.
Posted By: jazzband Re: Importing to the UK - 12/09/09 11:50 AM
Hi john

the problem is that the people who handle these items don`t realize there is some diffence between a Pound and a Dollar they take the dollars say its $100 and say its £100 they then add vat which is 17.5 =£117.50 and then add 20% inport duty = nearly £140 and then add £10 for the pleasure of doing it, i used to get all of my BIAB from the english agent but even then it was a lot more pricey then the US pay,so the easiest way is to download and i have not seen anything to suit yet

regards Dave Hoskins
Posted By: John Conley Re: Importing to the UK - 12/09/09 12:11 PM
Hm, btw my Daughter's boyfriend is a Kent University, lives near Deal.
He's coming for Christmas, (a whole month sigh).
Posted By: Fifer Re: Importing to the UK - 12/09/09 11:18 PM
I've never yet got a PG product from a UK reseller - they are usually at least one if not two versions behind, and woefully expensive. I used to get the disks surface, then air mail from Canada, and that was cheaper and more reliable than getting them from England.

It's not just pound to dollar rip offs here in the UK. The best (mmm) rip off I've seen recently is Linplug, a German company, which sells its upgrade to Saxlab for 29euros, but £39! I queried this, and they said that their distributor placed a surcharge on any transactions in pounds - on the current exchange rate, the deal should be £26 - basically a 50% surcharge for a downloadable product!!! Native Instruements actually prevent customers from the UK from paying in $s (with £s not being an option), even though this would save typically 20-30% over paying in euros. PG's policy of allowing you to pay in dollars and downloading the products is a jolly good thing! No VAT makes it even better!!

The UK is not by anyone's standards a cheap place to shop ...

Posted By: Keith from Oz Re: Importing to the UK - 12/10/09 02:49 AM
I had a similar situation when I recently purchased a Ketron SD2. To buy it here in Oz was $AU799.00, but by purchasing it through PG Music, when converted from $US it was just a touch over $AU400.00 plus delivery of around $25.00. That represented a huge saving, and it arrived in less that a week.
Posted By: Mac Re: Importing to the UK - 12/10/09 01:27 PM

I had a similar situation when I recently purchased a Ketron SD2. To buy it here in Oz was $AU799.00, but by purchasing it through PG Music, when converted from $US it was just a touch over $AU400.00 plus delivery of around $25.00. That represented a huge saving, and it arrived in less that a week.

When yer Oz maes see and hear it and want it, be sure to send them to the PGMusic website!

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