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Posted By: Andy Ling Problem with Celtic Hornpipe [Resolved] - 12/05/20 09:32 AM
BIAB 2021 build 804 64bit

I have a song that uses the Celtic Hornpipe Swing 8th _HRNPIPE.STY style. Since upgrading it won't play the guitar track.

I did manage to get it to play once by using the guitar real track on another song, then switching back to this song, but it has stopped working again.

Any idea what I need to do to get it playing again.

Posted By: Andrew - PG Music Re: Problem with Celtic Hornpipe - 12/05/20 03:28 PM
Hi Andy,

What RT # is the Guitar track that won't play - I'm assuming that this is a RealTrack that you added? Or is it the one in the style - RT#1412 (Guitar, Electric, Rhythm, CelticHornpipe Sw16)? Also, if you add this RealTrack to a new song, does it play?
Posted By: Andy Ling Re: Problem with Celtic Hornpipe - 12/05/20 08:50 PM
It's the one in the style RT#1412. If I add it to a different style it plays and then plays in the original song. If I then play something else and go back to the original song it doesn't play.

In my tests I used a song that uses the _GJBALAD.STY Gypsy Jazz style. I changed guitar1 to use the RT#1412 real track and it plays. Going back to the original song, it then plays correctly.
Posted By: Andy Ling Re: Problem with Celtic Hornpipe - 12/08/20 07:00 PM
I've found another style where the guitar doesn't play. _J085_GB.STY Cool Jazz Ballad with RT#484: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Jazz Ballad Sw 085.

I haven't managed to find a style that will play it so far. So I can't get it to work at all.
Posted By: Andrew - PG Music Re: Problem with Celtic Hornpipe - 12/08/20 08:43 PM
Strange... Regarding #484, In your RealTracks folder, do you have a folder called "Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Jazz Ballad Sw 085" containing about 60 files?

If you set the song to exactly 85bpm, does it play?
Posted By: Andy Ling Re: Problem with Celtic Hornpipe - 12/09/20 06:19 AM
Yes, that folder exists with 60 files in it.

I've found that if the song is the first one played after starting BIAB, it plays correctly, even at the 75 tempo the song is set to. If I play a different song first and go back to this one, then it doesn't play, even with the speed set to 85.

In case it matters, the song loaded first uses the _BALFRED.STY style.

Posted By: Andrew - PG Music Re: Problem with Celtic Hornpipe - 12/11/20 04:23 PM
We figured out why this is happening and it is fixed in the next build, which will be available soon.
Posted By: Andy Ling Re: Problem with Celtic Hornpipe - 12/11/20 04:47 PM
Great, thanks. I look forward to the next release.
Posted By: Andrew - PG Music Re: Problem with Celtic Hornpipe - 12/11/20 09:14 PM
This build is still in pre-release testing, however you could still try it out, and install the previous build if you do have any problems:

I believe this should also fix the bluetooth speaker problem.
Posted By: Andy Ling Re: Problem with Celtic Hornpipe - 12/12/20 05:49 PM
Thanks, that seems to have fixed the missing guitar tracks.

It also seems to have fixed the bluetooth problem. The first time I tried it, running BIAB with the speaker off, then turning it on, BIAB crashed when I hit play. But subsequent tests have worked, so I guess something needed to sort itself out the first time in.


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