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Posted By: JMatt RealTracks under water or wavering effect - 12/22/09 05:03 PM
Is it just me or does anyone else notice, for lack of a better description, a wavering or underwater sound from some of the piano and acoustic guitar RealTracks? I'm using an ibm T60 with 3g of ram and a 500 gig hd with xp pro and service pk 3. I have a pair of these and I hear the same wavering from both. My pa is a bose L1 model 2 with the bose mixer.
Hi JMatt

I could be one of a few things causing this, but to start off try the simplest one first

Do a diskclean - then a defrag - then re-boot

It seems as though the huge files we now have scatter all over the place and need some orderly action

Posted By: Mac Re: RealTracks under water or wavering effect - 12/22/09 05:35 PM
Yes, try the defrag.

For the record, I have not heard anything like this from BB2010 here. Not saying you don't, just that sometimes just knowing that it isn't happening to others can be a clue in finding out what's not right.

Posted By: JMatt Re: RealTracks under water or wavering effect - 12/22/09 05:48 PM
I've defragged but the sound is the same. The mute button seems to be the only sure solution. And maybe that's for the best. It makes you play more.
JMatt, can you give us the number of the Real Track(s) so we can double-check here? What sound card does your computer(s) use?
If you're outside of the tempo range for the RT, you'll could get those sounds. Try setting the tempo to the same as the RT and see if the problem persists.

Posted By: JMatt Re: RealTracks under water or wavering effect - 12/22/09 08:57 PM
The tempo does seem to be the culprit. Even varying from 85 to 95 makes an audible difference if the tempo is 85. I thought they had at least a 10 to 20 variance either way. Thanks for the tip.
It is variable. Some instruments scale up or down much better than others. That's one reason why I asked you which Real Tracks you were getting this on.
Posted By: JMatt Re: RealTracks under water or wavering effect - 12/22/09 10:05 PM
I can't say I've found one yet that didn't do it. So to make a list would be all inclusive.
The sound card on my laptop is SoundMax HD Audio. And here are a few examples:
_EAGL_PS Mid tempo Country{136}
_POPH)H085 slow rock ballad {85}
_JAZZBOP {190}
_CBALAD2 {85}
Some instruments 'stretch' better than others. Once I heard your term 'underwater', I knew exactly what you meant - especially with piano.

Posted By: JMatt Re: RealTracks under water or wavering effect - 12/23/09 12:26 AM
Do you also find that if you use say a 1 bar a or b style drum fill for an intro that some real drum styles,

for example:nashville even8, come thundering in? The volume is completely out of balance.
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