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Posted By: Bernard Multiriff problem - 12/05/21 07:42 AM
I am coming back to my "problem" in BiaB 2022, that I have already adressed, but which I could not solve, up to now...
There is a new video about the new features (about 1 hour) and my point occurs within the multiriff explaination at 28:04.
In the multiriff screen, once all specifications for the MR have been chosen, you press logically the button "Generate Now", the changed take plays on and you stop it to make a new one or confirm your choice.
Unfortunately, at my end, when I press "Generate", the MRiff screen "vanishes" and BiaB plays the whole song through and cannot be stopped at all.
(Which can be long by 3 choruses!!) This is clearly because I should press stop within the square screen.
Actually the MRiff screen is there, but hidden behind the main screen and I cannot call it back with the usual proceedings.
As a solution I have to make the main BiaB screen smaller ant then I see part of the MR screen behind and can interact with it. (hope my description is clear and not too long)
Maybe this behaviour is not directly related to BiaB, although it does not really happen in other programs I use.
Has anybody an explanation and a solution to solve this small problem??? (In any case, I still have fun!!)
Posted By: MikeK Re: Multiriff problem - 12/05/21 08:56 AM
Sorry, can't duplicate this issue. The MRiff window remains and I can generate multiple times for the bar range I selected until I'm happy with a selection... for me at least, it works as advertised.

I'm sure, others will try.
Posted By: Bernard Re: Multiriff problem - 12/05/21 09:18 AM
OK, well noted... I expect to be an exception since it works perfectly as it should in the new Boot Camp video, but it does not solve my problem...
As stated, it might not be a problem with BiaB itself, but somebody could have, as a computer hero, an idea about what is going on and how to "cure" this..
Posted By: Rob Helms Re: Multiriff problem - 12/05/21 10:17 AM
Bernard I would try the old stand by and either reinstall the main program, return to default settings.
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