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Posted By: Tony Wright The dreaded "Access Violation" is back - 12/16/21 08:31 PM
As soon as I installed 2022 I started to get Access Violation errors playing all my existing songs both MIDI and RT styles. Here is a summary, I wonder if anyone else is having this problem.

Happens with all the 2022 latest builds and when I switched back to 2021 it happens with 2021 now as well!!!!
Is random anywhere in a song and is not style or song dependent.
I have tried RTFS several times and use “run as administrator” set in the BIAB shortcut.
I use an external synth (SD-50) and audio module (Focusrite) with ASIO.
I have not changed any hardware or software settings and have had exactly the same set-up for years with every annual update.
I have also tried sending the midi start signal direct to the computer via a separate midi interface and tried changing ASIO buffer/sample rate and switching to MME – same problem.
Here is a clue to what is causing it…….
I always use “pause until midi or key received” so my keyboard midi out is connected to the SD50 midi in so a MIDI start signal is sent to BIAB via midi. This requires enabling the MIDI THRU setting in BIAB. If I disconnect this midi cable or don’t touch the keyboard while the song plays, the problem goes away. This is the only thing that stops the problem, even disabling MIDI THRU doesn’t help - I have to actually disconnect the MIDI cable or stop playing the keyboard.

This post would be too long if I described everything else I have tried so I will stop and see if anyone has any immediate thoughts

Are you using the latest Build 912 (or an earlier build)?
Posted By: Jim Fogle Re: The dreaded "Access Violation" is back - 12/17/21 02:17 PM

Do the Access Violation error messages include a copy to clipboard button?

If so it would be helpful to attach to this post a text file with the clipboard content.

If not can you post a screen shot of the error message?
Originally Posted By: VideoTrack

Yes,I always use the latest build but the build descriptions don't relate to my problem anyway.
Originally Posted By: Jim Fogle

Do the Access Violation error messages include a copy to clipboard button?

If so it would be helpful to attach to this post a text file with the clipboard content.

If not can you post a screen shot of the error message?

I think I have seen this message so will post it if I get it again
Originally Posted By: Tony Wright
Originally Posted By: VideoTrack

Yes,I always use the latest build but the build descriptions don't relate to my problem anyway.

Just making sure, as earlier versions had problems that were fixed in later versions.
Originally Posted By: Jim Fogle

Do the Access Violation error messages include a copy to clipboard button?

If so it would be helpful to attach to this post a text file with the clipboard content.

If not can you post a screen shot of the error message?

Here is the error log text file that was created.

Attached File
BBWERROR.txt  (10 downloads)
Posted By: Jim Fogle Re: The dreaded "Access Violation" is back - 12/19/21 04:12 PM
Thanks for the log.

Are you using the most up-to-date ASIO driver for the Focusrite audio interface? The Focusrite is mentioned multiple times in the error message.
Did you send (email) the log file to
They may be able to pin-point the issue from analysing the file.
If you send the log and a detailed description of when the access violation come up (or link this forum post) and send it in to, our tech team would be happy to assist you!
Originally Posted By: Jim Fogle
Thanks for the log.

Are you using the most up-to-date ASIO driver for the Focusrite audio interface? The Focusrite is mentioned multiple times in the error message.

I also noticed the mention of Focusrite in the error log so I disconnected the Focusrite completely and switched to using ASIO FOR All software in my laptop - same problem. Also using MME makes no difference.

This has definitely something to do with sending a midi signal from my keyboard to the computer while a song is playing. If I disconnect the midi cable or just don't play the keyboard while the song is playing then there is never a problem. Also why should it have just started to happen after many years OK?
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