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Posted By: davem7b5 ASIO Drivers - 01/11/10 11:23 PM
I just installed the new patch #293 and I still cannot run 2010 with the Roland UA 700. It has worked for the
last 10 years with bb and Sonar but generates an " Access Error " every time I click on ASIO.
On my gig laptop I use a Audigy 2zs with Creative ASIO and have no problem. I am running off of the 160 gb
hard drive and using real drums and bass only. I have tried using Sax and Trumpet real tracks and have had
crashes when I tried to freeze them and re open them.
BIAB 2009.5 ran without glitches and I will probably go back to the old program until the bugs have been worked out.
Posted By: dfaris Re: ASIO Drivers - 01/11/10 11:40 PM
Yea, I had no luck with asio drivers and BB either. However Im glad its all working fine in RB which is fine with me.
I just hooked up my old yami keys and im glad to have them in play again.

Your access error means that your asio driver is being used by another program or held in memory by it. Asio 4all gives you a small control panel that lets you direct the driver where you want it to go. You can try that.
Posted By: Mac Re: ASIO Drivers - 01/12/10 12:49 AM
Why not try the MME drivers in BiaB for the time being?

If you are not trying to play a software MIDI synth in realtime, bia MIDi controller of some sort, there would be no advantage to ASIO.

If you are, then try the ASIO4ALL drivers as a temporary workaround until the program gets fixed.

Posted By: davem7b5 Re: ASIO Drivers - 01/12/10 01:19 AM
I have been using MME but the volume is affected. It just sounds different. When I first
plugged in the hard drive to my laptop I had to change to MME and the program stuttered
and would skip beats. I change it back to ASIO and everything works.
I am just tired of fooling around with it. Instead of practicing for a gig on Fri. I end up
closing and opening the program. It isn't worth the effort. I'd rather play music.
Posted By: Mac Re: ASIO Drivers - 01/12/10 01:24 AM
Try turning any software faders in the sound device's Control Panel or mixer all the way up.

There is no difference in sound between ASIO or Windows Sound Drivers unless something like that is going on.

Posted By: davem7b5 Re: ASIO Drivers - 01/12/10 03:10 AM
Thanks for the help Mac, but I have tried that. I always keep the vol. wide open.
I just hope that if enough people are having problems it will eventually be taken
care of. Like I said I have been running the program for a long time and never had a problem until I loaded 2010 on top of 2009.5. I have been struggling for three weeks
and have run out of time. All I need is the bass and drums. It should be simple.
Thanks, Dave.
Posted By: jazzmammal Re: ASIO Drivers - 01/12/10 08:38 AM

Thanks for the help Mac, but I have tried that. I always keep the vol. wide open.
I just hope that if enough people are having problems it will eventually be taken
care of. Like I said I have been running the program for a long time and never had a problem until I loaded 2010 on top of 2009.5. I have been struggling for three weeks
and have run out of time. All I need is the bass and drums. It should be simple.
Thanks, Dave.

Sorry man it's you or more to the point, your system. It is simple. Enough people are NOT having problems, if you're reading most of the posts here you would know that but of course the program and configurations are not perfect, there are still some bugs but they are very specific with no show stoppers like what you're talking about. Most have it working fine, if you need some detailed analysis of your problem start posting descriptions of your exact setup as in what's in your midi device window, your audio window, your exact computer specs, make, OS, cpu, memory, soundcard and how it's set up, stuff like that.
And, no comment about whether or not you even need ASIO? You do understand what it's used for, right?

Posted By: John Conley Re: ASIO Drivers - 01/12/10 10:23 AM
I run my keyboard in and thru and out to the Ketron with no asio drivers and have no problems at all. I would like Band in a Box to bring me a beer or coffee but that part only works if you have a band with people at the moment, I'm a one 'man' show.
Posted By: Noel96 Re: ASIO Drivers - 01/12/10 10:31 AM

It's curious that everything worked for 2009.5 but not 2010. From what you are saying, your system has not changed, it's only the program that's changed. I agree with you that this almost certainly indicates that it's something in the program that is causing the problem. I recently came across a bug that not everyone else experienced so it is possible that you might have discovered another. That bug was one of the main reasons for writing update #293.

I wonder if the fast (re)generation of Realtracks might be impacting on your system's performance. Fast generation is a background process and CPU-hungry. To test this, try turning it off (Opt. >> Preferences >> Realtracks >> Speed up generation). This process could certainly cause the stuttering you are describing.

Have you checked if Windows might have automatically installed some new drivers for your sound card or your graphics card? These might also be potential sources of error? (I disable all of Windows automatic processes on my computer.)

One last thought... Did you follow the PGMusic documentation when you installed BIAB to run from the USB hard drive? The installation process requires about 20 megs of internal hard drive space. Sometimes when the USB drive is plugged in, Autorun takes over and gives the impression that BIAB is all set to go. This has caught a number of people. There's an RTF file (ReadMe First.rft) on the USB drive that describes how to run the installation process. To be honest, I'm clutching at straws because I get the impression that you have done this; I thought I'd check anyway.

Just some thoughts,
Posted By: John Conley Re: ASIO Drivers - 01/12/10 11:30 AM
I was called out to provide support to a bar who ran Xp and they had a gina system. It had worked for years. Microsoft updated something and the card would not work AT ALL. That was about 8 months ago. I grilled the DJ about all the stuff that they were using and it turned into Winamp, and the old Echo Gina card. He ususally left the computer running but it updated itself and rebooted. I downloaded drivers, messed about and nothing worked. The computer was rack-mount weighed over 60 pounds, the fan was making noise, and it was really old. I replaced it with a Vista system, onboard sound system, dropped in his mp3 hard drive, and the sound was 100 percent better than on the old system (according to the DJ). Of course I did walk around, make notes, and reset the volumes on the 20 speakers that were being run by a mixer/eq/crossover, patch bay, and 10 amps.

The other problems was the system was saying the version of XP was not valid. When I tried updating drivers crazy stuff happened. I'm not sure what in the Microsoft XP update killed the soundcard, but I do know they didn't need that Echo Gina thing for a DJ booth. I told them (I made this up but it might be right), that they had an illegal version of windows and Bill Gates latest updated messed up the drivers. They are happy and called last week wanting 2 new big speakers and an amp.

The point of the story is unless you know what Microsoft is doing to your system, you can have all kinds of problems. Especially if you have some sort of one off setup. I'd turn off the ability to update your computer, and evaluate the need to do it at all if it's working.

Being net savvy goes a long way to keeping a system stable. I don't open attachments in emails, nor surf to places I'm unsure of on my 'music' system.
Posted By: Mac Re: ASIO Drivers - 01/12/10 01:06 PM
If davem7b5 says he is having problems then he's having problems.

Just because others haven't duplicated the same problem is no reason to believe that the problem does not exist or that it is not the fault of the host program.

I've experienced a few problems with BiaB where, at least for a certain period of time, measurable in months, I seemed to be the only one experiencing that problem, even the folks at development had to put the "could not duplicate" label on the problem at the time. It got pretty hairy one time during the beta testing for one of those. At the time, I was accused of "torture testing" instead of beta testing (grin). However, it was indeed a bug that was corrected in a (much) later program update.

Anyway, let's try not to be so harsh sounding, 'K?

Posted By: silvertones Re: ASIO Drivers - 01/12/10 01:37 PM

If davem7b5 says he is having problems then he's having problems.

Just because others haven't duplicated the same problem is no reason to believe that the problem does not exist or that it is not the fault of the host program.

I've experienced a few problems with BiaB where, at least for a certain period of time, measurable in months, I seemed to be the only one experiencing that problem, even the folks at development had to put the "could not duplicate" label on the problem at the time. It got pretty hairy one time during the beta testing for one of those. At the time, I was accused of "torture testing" instead of beta testing (grin). However, it was indeed a bug that was corrected in a (much) later program update.

Anyway, let's try not to be so harsh sounding, 'K?


Same here Mac.
Posted By: silvertones Re: ASIO Drivers - 01/12/10 01:41 PM
It has been documented that because ASIO bypasses the windows sound apalate the quality is better however it takes a very discerning ear. At 60 I don't have that.
Posted By: Mac Re: ASIO Drivers - 01/12/10 01:46 PM

It has been documented that because ASIO bypasses the windows sound apalate the quality is better however it takes a very discerning ear. At 60 I don't have that.

Been through that argument too many times.

The only difference comes in when someone doesn't know how to properly use the Windows Sound Mixer applet.

That's why I simply tell people to go in there and turn the faders all the way UP.

Empircally tested, on the bench.

Incidentally, that is how I run my Record Input in the Properties, also, preferring to set my levels for recording externally using a mic preamp or a mixer that has analog level controls. The software fader is post converter, you see...

If you NORMALIZE your system like that, then "what goes in is what comes out".

dave is savvy and has already addressed that in this thread, his is already turned all the way up anyway.

Posted By: silvertones Re: ASIO Drivers - 01/12/10 02:21 PM


It has been documented that because ASIO bypasses the windows sound apalate the quality is better however it takes a very discerning ear. At 60 I don't have that.

Been through that argument too many times.

The only difference comes in when someone doesn't know how to properly use the Windows Sound Mixer applet.

That's why I simply tell people to go in there and turn the faders all the way UP.

Empircally tested, on the bench.

Incidentally, that is how I run my Record Input in the Properties, also, preferring to set my levels for recording externally using a mic preamp or a mixer that has analog level controls. The software fader is post converter, you see...

If you NORMALIZE your system like that, then "what goes in is what comes out".

dave is savvy and has already addressed that in this thread, his is already turned all the way up anyway.


Like I said can't prove it by me. If you've tested it then that's good enough for me.
It's sort of like telling the difference in speaker wire!
Posted By: Andrew - PG Music Re: ASIO Drivers - 01/13/10 05:36 PM
Hello Dave,


I just installed the new patch #293 and I still cannot run 2010 with the Roland UA 700. It has worked for the
last 10 years with bb and Sonar but generates an " Access Error " every time I click on ASIO.
On my gig laptop I use a Audigy 2zs with Creative ASIO and have no problem.

Do you have this problem with 2009.5? How about with a fresh install of 2010 to a new folder?


I have tried using Sax and Trumpet real tracks and have had crashes when I tried to freeze them and re open them.

You may have been using a Soloist track - there has been a bug fix related to freezing the Soloist track:
Posted By: davem7b5 Re: ASIO Drivers - 01/13/10 06:42 PM
Hello Andrew,

I have used BIAB since VER.7 and always installed over the top of the old program.
After trying twice to install over 2009.5 all I was getting was access errors and then the program reverted back to 2009.5. I then installed to a new folder and that is when
I could only run with MME drivers. If I touch ASIO I get an access error. I have had 2009.5 and all of the previous versions running with ASIO without a problem. I use a midi guitar
to input horn parts and I think that I need ASIO.
I have an old Dell laptop with an Audigy 2 zs card and if I use a MME driver the program
stutters and skips beats at every repeat. I am running off of the 160 gb external hard drive. When I change to Creative ASIO the program runs flawlessly. I only use Drums
and Bass real tracks . This is my gig computer.
I never had a problem until I loaded 2010. The program is running with MME drivers.
My desktop is a dell dual core, 3gigs and Vista 32.
Posted By: Noel96 Re: ASIO Drivers - 01/13/10 09:20 PM

I use Vista 32-bit, too, and I needed to disable "User Account Control" to get BIAB to operate properly (Control Panel >> User Accounts). Despite what Windows might lead you to believe, UAC is not needed if you run anti-virus software.

Just another thought,
Posted By: Mac Re: ASIO Drivers - 01/14/10 12:51 AM

Hello Andrew,

I have used BIAB since VER.7 and always installed over the top of the old program.
After trying twice to install over 2009.5 all I was getting was access errors and then the program reverted back to 2009.5.

There's a big clue in this somewhere. It should have installed. Maybe you've got a corrupted installer file or something.

What happens if you try running BB2010 off the hard drive on the computer that chokes on ASIO?

Posted By: davem7b5 Re: ASIO Drivers - 01/14/10 02:56 AM
I finally got it to work. I plugged the ext. hard drive into my desktop and the info box
asked to install ASIO driver. I clicked on UA700 and it installed. I loaded files for a gig
on Fri. night and played a few tunes. Everything worked great using the ext. drive.
When I opened the " C " drive the ASIO was installed and worked without a problem.
Next I plugged the ext. drive into my laptop and loaded a song and the " Access Error " popped up. I changed from ASIO to the MME driver and it played, albeit badly. I rebooted the computer and it played with the MME driver. After a couple of tunes I installed the ASIO and it actually worked. I don't understand what the secret was but it WORKS.

It is nice to know that help is available and knowledgeable people take the time. I have
read the forum every day and never really needed help. I would like to give a special
" Thank You " to Mac, Noel , Silvertones and Andrew.
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