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Posted By: John F Audio Tracks - 07/03/22 08:52 PM
When I add an audio track (lead guitar) to my BIAB song, a separate file is created that plays right along with the song. My question is this: Is there a way to incorporate this file into the SGU file without rendering the whole song to WAV? I'd like to keep the song as a BIAB file.
Posted By: Charlie Fogle Re: Audio Tracks - 07/03/22 09:02 PM
You can save audio into a file using RealBand that's included with the Windows versions of BIAB.

In BIAB, an audio file can be saved as an Mp4 compressed audio file to save disk space and it will be recognized by BIAB if it's saved in the same folder and named the same as the SGU file.
Posted By: Noel96 Re: Audio Tracks - 07/04/22 05:21 AM
Hi John,

Piggybacking on Charlie's reply...

Realband is the only PG Music software that will save and audio file in the songfile. It would need to be in the .SEQ file format, which is one of Realband's save options.

BIAB will save and load audio files but these files are not part of the SGU/MGU structure, the audio material needs to be in the same directory as the SGU/MGU files for BIAB to access it.

If you save your song with the audio attached to it's own directory, and then look at that directory, you will see how BIAB has named the audio file to reflect the song's name.

Hope this helps,
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