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Posted By: cubanpete BB and DAW shearing audio card? - 01/22/10 11:07 PM
Hi there, my question is, (and don't think is related to BB directly), don't know, maybe it is, that when I have BB open and try to open Sony Acid Pro 7 or 6 before I update it, it tells me that I have another application using the audio card and do not allow me to use it. Is this normal or there's a setting I should pay attention to? This situation do not let me take advantage of the drag and drop feature unless I do it to an explorer window.
I'm using an M-Audio Delta card.

Thanks for the help
Posted By: MarioD Re: BB and DAW shearing audio card? - 01/22/10 11:16 PM
Are you using ASIO drivers for both? ASIO will only handle one application at a time. I use ASIO for Sonar and MME for BiaB and everything works fine.

Also MME for both BiaB and Sony Acid should work.

I hope this helps.
Posted By: Noel96 Re: BB and DAW shearing audio card? - 01/22/10 11:17 PM
Sounds like you are using ASIO as your audio driver (Opt. >> Midi/Audio driver setup) . ASIO only lets one program operate at a time. MME, on the other hand, will allow all programs to operate.
Posted By: MikeK Re: BB and DAW shearing audio card? - 01/22/10 11:32 PM

Are you using ASIO drivers for both? ASIO will only handle one application at a time. I use ASIO for Sonar and MME for BiaB and everything works fine.

DItto! Works like a charm!!!
Posted By: cubanpete Re: BB and DAW shearing audio card? - 01/23/10 12:10 AM
I thought I have MME for both, but I'll check and report back. Thanks for the info.
Posted By: Ian Fraser Re: BB and DAW shearing audio card? - 01/23/10 12:37 AM
Not so for me. I only have MME and I just tried to run RB and BIAB - BIAB popped up the Alternate Midi Output driver window for this session because my main output was busy with RB.
Hubi's Loop used to get around this but it stopped working back at WIN2000.

Posted By: Mac Re: BB and DAW shearing audio card? - 01/23/10 12:40 AM

Not so for me. I only have MME and I just tried to run RB and BIAB - BIAB popped up the Alternate Midi Output driver window for this session because my main output was busy with RB.
Hubi's Loop used to get around this but it stopped working back at WIN2000.


Well, we're talking Audio drivers here.

The MIDI selection is another situation again.

Depends on what you are using for MIDI output whether or not it can share.

Posted By: cubanpete Re: BB and DAW shearing audio card? - 01/23/10 12:59 AM
Ok, on the Acid Pro, I'm using Microsoft Sound Mapper, and in BB I'm using MME. If I have open one I cannot use the other, not big deal I can always use drag and drop to an explorer window. BTW, in several occasions when I do that there's a pop-up window saying that the RT will be rendered using the DXI setting (even though I do not have that selected, or in fact do not switch), I just ignore that and the RT gets rendered fine. Kind of weird but I guess is part of the bug not fixed yet.
Posted By: Ian Fraser Re: BB and DAW shearing audio card? - 01/23/10 01:06 AM

Well, we're talking Audio drivers here.

Of course . . . I knew that. See ya later.
Posted By: silvertones Re: BB and DAW shearing audio card? - 01/23/10 12:33 PM
Posted By: Sandra Sherman Re: BB and DAW shearing audio card? - 01/23/10 02:24 PM
This question appeared several times here on the forum and here`s my solution:

In Acid, Cubase or other programs that support this feature:
Go to preferences and find the entry that says something like: "Close Audio and Midi drivers if Acid (or the relevant program) is not the active application", and check it.
In Acid 7 its the 8th entry in the first tab. In cubase go to "Devices"/"Configure Devices", VST Audio System, check "Deactivate Asio drivers when program runs in background".

(Sorry my apps run in German language, so this is my personal english translation of the menues ;-))

This adjustments closes the audio (and Midi) drivers whenever the application is minimized and therefor not the active application. Then the driver is free for another application to use it.

HTH, Sandra
Posted By: cubanpete Re: BB and DAW shearing audio card? - 01/25/10 09:39 PM
Thanks Sandra, I'll do that.
Mike B.
Posted By: whitetara Re: BB and DAW shearing audio card? - 01/26/10 09:24 PM
Sandra or anyone interessed - please have a look on entry: biab rb asio external sound e-mu 0202 USB crash

I can not listen to sound eg. from internet ( firefox, cubase, skype or any other application ) while using biab even after closing biab or rb - I have to log off to get sound output again - seems to me biab or rb does not release the asio drivers correct and takes them exclusiv.

output via asio to external sound card is working with internet explorer and firefox and mediaplayer concurrently.

thanks - looking for response
son as whitetara
Posted By: Mac Re: BB and DAW shearing audio card? - 01/27/10 02:05 AM
Internet Explorer, Firefox and Mediaplayer can not use ASIO sound drivers.

They use the Windows Sound Drivers.

However, inside the pgmusic programs, under the Audio Settings, locate the "ASIO Always On" checkbox and try unchecking it.

Also make sure that your sound device's software control panel is set to allow a host program to set the bitrate. Do not set the control panel to a single bitrate if it has such settings.

Lastly, there are all kinds of reports for all kinds of sound devices and Win7 about the OS not being able to play standard windows sounds after loading a recording program or the like. Seems the change to 48KHz for Windows Sounds is not happening as it should.

Posted By: whitetara Re: BB and DAW shearing audio card? - 01/27/10 05:02 PM
Biab checkbox "ASIO Always On" is in an unchecked state.

Hmm - I am using vista (32 bit ) - when I open sound - properties - properties of usb controller / drivers of my external e-mu soundcard I will see e-mu asio drivers are used.
I thought my external soundcard will be used asio only and can not be controlled by mme ? tho windows sound drivers passes the sound to asio for output ?

Ok - right while running biab - I can not here the sound from Internet Explorer, Firefox and Mediaplayer ( cubase behaves the same ) - after closing biab I can switch to firefox and hear sound - but when I use the record funktion of biab,stop recording and close biab there is not sound output to hear and no sound output amplitude is seen under sound button.

To here a sound again I have to log off and log on.

Doing the same with rb - a windows error apears: no resonse of rb - and the same result of no sound output - even when I do not record.

cubase or mixcraft or magix does no make this problem - and I do not like to log off an on to fix this problem.

OK there are bigger problems, but I like to resolve this on.
Posted By: whitetara Re: BB and DAW shearing audio card? - 01/27/10 09:17 PM
ok - I found the problem - it is skype ( even in standby mode ) - i could reproduce it with cubase.

Closeing skype - listen to firefox - close firefox - open biab or rb - listen to songs - close biab or rb - open firefox or internet explorer listen to sounds - fine.

only problem I am still getting now is - after closing rb I am getting the vista message: realband does not resonse anymore - ? - clicking ok - thats it.
Posted By: Mac Re: BB and DAW shearing audio card? - 01/28/10 02:18 AM

Biab checkbox "ASIO Always On" is in an unchecked state.

Try checking it then and see what happens...

Posted By: whitetara Re: BB and DAW shearing audio card? - 01/28/10 05:10 PM
Mac checking it seem to work a bit better but makes no the big advantage, but I have only one UB device to choose.

Do you know what internally happend ? beside that a different part of code will be used.

I learned for all not to open too many programms using my soundcard in conjunction with vista

Do you have any experiences with Mac computers and Mac OS? do they behave more reliable ?

to the other point: rb - I got a info from pg support - that they could reproduce the problem with rb and realtrack - should be a conflict with e-mu 0202 and e-mu asio divers - but also it apears with asio4all - they are in contact with e-mu - lets wait and see what happend.

kudos to the support of pg

Thanks a lot Mac

Posted By: Jeff Payne Re: BB and DAW shearing audio card? - 01/29/10 04:45 PM
I've never heard of a software program physically "shearing" an audio card in that way. Are you sure you don't mean "sharing?" It would be very unlikely that running both programs could actually shave pieces from your audio card.
Posted By: cubanpete Re: BB and DAW shearing audio card? - 01/29/10 05:04 PM
Well Jeff, that's very funny, I guess everybody else got my meaning. It's refreshing to see that we have a "typo corrector" around.
Posted By: Mac Re: BB and DAW shearing audio card? - 01/29/10 05:15 PM
Well, there's two of us, Pete.

I saw the topic and was wondering what the heck George Shearing had to do with yer soundcard...

Posted By: Prado Re: BB and DAW shearing audio card? - 01/29/10 11:44 PM
Dog gone! I just read this thread for the first time and I was hoping George Shearing really did have an audio card out. One that configured itself even for the blind.

Posted By: Jeff Payne Re: BB and DAW shearing audio card? - 01/30/10 12:23 AM
Just a good natured "Ribber." Not trying to offend. That's why I just wrote two incomplete sentences of my own.
Posted By: cubanpete Re: BB and DAW shearing audio card? - 01/31/10 12:05 AM
None taken, I can dish it out too, so I can take it. No problem here.
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