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When I generate a song with midi only styles I can copy the generated midi to Logic Pro.
But If I want to listen it before, just after generate no sound

Play button moves cursor but no sound

For example the bass is in midi channel 2.

How do I pass this midi out to a midi in for Logic Pro?

The tutorial video uses a different DAW.

Is there a manual for the plugin?

I solved my problem (in part).

I noticed that most of the tutorial video is based on a DAW named reaper, googled it and downloaded the trial version.

I seems it works according to the tutorial video.

Still don know how to do the same in Logic Pro (no sound after generating midi only STYLES.

could you please describe your problem in more detail.

i'm on windows but same midi principles apply on mac.
midi is just computer data jorge.
ie like instructions a teacher might give to a class of students.
for example data on when a note at a certain time point is to be played or say a program change like play a trumpet now instead of the sax previously. so its a stream of computer DATA. nothing more.
in summary completely different from an audio recording in a recording studio of a live sax player being recorded.

(in the mac faq's.)

if not done so check out all the pg mac faq's//vids.

THUS ...
in order to turn the computer midi data stream into audio in band in a box or reaper or logic .....
(i'm a biab and reaper user) you need to load up a plug in or instrument of some sort. ie a piece of software that is programmed to convert the midi data stream into real audio.

there are lots of resources/vids here at pg on useing midi jorge.
as well as on the net and you tube includeing a nice series of midi vids at . (see videos section on main page right hand side.)

if your new to midi i suggest also you get a book on midi that describes all the different nuances of midi and functions in great detail.

in summary you need to load a plug in or instrument to convert midi to audio. whether on a global level or on an individual trak.
for example in reaper or logic.
please could you post a pic of your preferences settings in band in a box mac so mac people can help further .
cos if your not hearing things still i suspect a setting in band in a box/and or logic etc hasnt been set.


Thanks the video addresses a problem with the full BIAB, not de daw plugin (AU)

Watch this video.

It does not work in Logic Pro.

But also, it only works in full in reaper ONLY If you use the plugin as a vsti.

If you use it as an AU, it does not send MIDI DATA to reaper.

At least no for me.
Maybe this is normal in Apple Audio Units

if the following doesnt help you...
i would contact pg support directly via support number.
have you read the following pg music quikstart guide ?

Old Yao said you need an instrument to play the midi. In the main program there is a midi synth that is already installed to play it or you can use one of choice. The plugin does not have a built in synth as far as I know. Once you drag to logic you can add in an instrument. I’m not sure why it plays in Reaper. Unless you have a synth in a track setup.

Maybe a synth will be added in a future build.
Originally Posted By: Jorge
Maybe this is normal in Apple Audio Units

Audio Units do not support this feature, so it only works when using the VST3 version of the plugin. Logic and GarageBand only support AU plugins unfortunately.
Tanks you, I suspected that and purchased Reaper.

I still have some issues but are out of the scope of this tread.

Thanks, a little more complicated than that, the issue is not with sound inside the plugin but is to route MIDI back to to Pro Logic.

Pro logic is the one to blame, it dos not support this.

And in reaper it only works is if you use the vsti plugin, the AUi plugin has the same limitation, apple to blame.

Still testing the plugin features, some issue pop, let me see if I find work arounds them.

Thanks I have the right answer now.
For anyone else who comes across this thread looking for an answer, the spec for Audio Units plugins (which is what Logic and GarageBand use) does not allow sending MIDI from the plugin into the DAW - this affects any DAW that uses AU plugins (GarageBand, Logic, Reaper, Digital Performer, Ableton Live, Studio One, and others) as the problem is not in the DAW it's in the Audio Units spec. Unfortunately for GarageBand and Logic users, the only plugin format accepted by those programs is AU, but for most other DAWs you can use the VST3 or AAX plugins which do support sending MIDI.

@Rob Helms, in plugin version 3.6.15 we added the function to the AU plugin that when "Send MIDI Data to DAW" is enabled, the plugin sends the MIDI data to the built-in macOS DLSMusicDevice synth. If you don't have any audio out of the BB plugin, then the issue is that most likely the DLSMusicDevice synth is not operating properly, and you should uncheck the "Send MIDI Data to DAW" option in the plugin preferences. Of course, if your plugin is below version 3.6.15 then you should install the latest update from here:
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