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Posted By: gram ASIO4ALL Driver - 10/07/11 09:14 PM
I'm trying to use ASIO drivers with PowerTracks pro audio 2011. I get the message 'Audio and/or DXi Output will be silent. The ASIO4ALL driver is not connected, likely due to yourusing a soft-synth (like GS-WaveTable) for MIDI.

PowerTracks help states:ASIO Driver warning for ASIO4All if driver is "not connected."

Sometimes the ASIO4All driver will not be connected to an audio driver and output will be silent. This is usually due to a soft synth already using the audio driver. If PowerTracks Pro Audio detects that ASIO4ALL isn’t connected, it will warn you about this, so you are aware of why the audio is silent.

The problem is, I don't know what to do to fix this, can anyone please help?

Posted By: Kent - PG Music Re: ASIO4ALL Driver - 10/07/11 09:24 PM
Hi Gram,

This is usually caused by having the Microsoft GS Wavetable or the Microsoft MIDI Mapper selected as your MIDI Output Driver. These drivers cause a conflict with ASIO4ALL, basically.

Most people don't have any other MIDI drivers installed, I usually fix it by installing Loopbe1 and selecting that as the MIDI Output Driver instead. Just make sure not to select it as your MIDI Input Driver, or it'll cause problems.

After selecting it as your Output, close and reopen PowerTracks, and everything should go back to normal.

You can get Loopbe1 here:

PG Music
Posted By: Rob - PG Music Re: ASIO4ALL Driver - 10/07/11 09:53 PM

You need to do this in a specific order of steps, I made a really quick video on how it should go.
Posted By: gram Re: ASIO4ALL Driver - 10/07/11 10:31 PM
Thanks for your help Kent and Rob, It's now working!

Posted By: Thrust Re: ASIO4ALL Driver - 11/28/11 03:12 AM
Rob: I saw your video, excellent, but Im still a little confused. I want to use a vsti sampler with loopbe. Firstly how do I set loopbe up to hear what Im playing from my midi keyboard part that Im recording in real time as the sequence is playing. And afterwards I want to hear the part being replayed from midi? It seems I would be setting up the dreaded midi loop. Or is there something Im missing? Im probably not communicating my confusion correctly but I want to play and then hear the playback from the vsti sampler.
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