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Posted By: RAMALAM MIDI looping measures for recording - 01/13/13 05:09 PM
I used to use a hardware MIDI sequencer that enabled me to loop 4 or 8 measures and record new notes with each successive pass of the loop.
With each pass, I could hear what I had previously added and could delete or add notes in real time until I was satisfied with the result.
This technique was especially useful for creating drum patterns.
I see that PowerTracks Pro Audio has a loop button on the button bar and will let me designate FROM and THROUGH points, but I can't HEAR my NEW data until I stop the recording and play the track back.
Should I look for a different program, or is there a way for me to accomplish my objective in PowerTracks Pro Audio?
Posted By: ROG Re: MIDI looping measures for recording - 01/21/13 04:19 PM

Are you using ASIO drivers? If you want to play MIDI data in real time you need to be on ASIO.

If you're already using ASIO, make sure you have the ASIO ALWAYS ON box checked in AUIDIO PREFERENCES - DRIVERS.

Posted By: RAMALAM Re: MIDI looping measures for recording - 01/28/13 02:50 AM
Not even with ASIO can I achieve what I want.

Powertracks won't let me hear my new data until I stop recording altogether.

Then it asks me if I want to put each loop on the same track or on separate tracks.

But thanks for responding just the same.
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