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Posted By: Ryszard Preventing aggravation while posting - 02/26/08 05:54 PM
Too many times I have completed an eloquent, informative post <grin> and hit the "Submit" button, only to be told that "The form you have submitted is no longer valid" and instructed to return to the previous page. Usually, said informative eloquence is gone, especially if it has taken a while to compose. GRRRR!

Hokey dokey. Cool undocumented Windows feature (I think Mac's'll do this too, I just don't know how): While typing, I now frequently type <CTRL><A> (which selects all text in the Post block) and <CTRL><C> (which copies it to the Windows clipboard). And I always do this just before submitting the post. That way, if it gets blown away by this Insidious Bug, when I go back to the blank form I type <CTRL><V>, which pastes everything I've copied back into the post, which I then resubmit. Usually, it works. Lather, rinse and repeat.

(Or you could compose it in a text editor offline and copy and paste it into the Post block.) Hacker speaks.

Posted By: Danny C. Re: Preventing aggravation while posting - 02/27/08 03:24 PM

(Or you could compose it in a text editor offline and copy and paste it into the Post block.) Hacker speaks.


That is what I do, especially as there is no spellcheck for forum text. I know another step or two but I like the idea of not having to rush my thoughts. After all that hampster can only turn that wheel soooo fast!

Posted By: Mike sings Re: Preventing aggravation while posting - 03/08/08 04:57 AM
At my rate of typing I am bound to do that. Otherwise I would never get a post finished

Posted By: Dan Tong Re: Preventing aggravation while posting - 06/07/08 06:56 PM
This is a frustrating *%#*U#E&*(& and hideous bug in this PG Forum software. I've never had this problem with other Forum software. It's happened to me way too often until I realized I must pull up wordpad and constantly cut and paste everything to it.

Worse yet, the private mail is also totally crap too. I wrote a detailed message to someone and it has disappeared and I don't even have sent copy.

It's so frustrating I have in the past not bothered to re-recreate it again and that's pretty bad.

Posted By: PapaMikie Re: Preventing aggravation while posting - 06/07/08 07:15 PM
Checke the bottom of you email there are check boxes to keep a copy of what you have sent. if you check it you will keep a copy of emails sent out and can resent, edit ,etc.
Posted By: John Conley Re: Preventing aggravation while posting - 06/07/08 10:03 PM
I often just use the back button on the browser, CTL A, CTL C, then go back to the thread and paste.

But I type 80 wpm at least so it's not usually a problem, unless the phone rings.
Posted By: Mac Re: Preventing aggravation while posting - 06/08/08 01:29 AM
Yeah, the ability to type fast and get it in before this forumboard software gets reset by another post and blows yours into oblivion does help.

An upgrade to the forum software would help even better, though.

Invision Power Board blows this thing away.


Danny wrote:

That is what I do, especially as there is no spellcheck for forum text.

Sure there is. Just GOOGLE (browser) spell check for whatever browser you run. eg: ie spell check

I just type the post and right click and select check spelling....Easy.
Posted By: rharv Re: Preventing aggravation while posting - 06/13/08 08:45 PM
When I see I've gotten a little long in the post, I ctrl+A then ctrl+C before sending the post, so I have it on the clipboard in case it does get 'lost'.

Sometimes the back button will recover it as mentioned above...
Posted By: WienSam Re: Preventing aggravation while posting - 06/13/08 11:37 PM

Hacker speaks

Indeed I do
Do What?
Posted By: WienSam Re: Preventing aggravation while posting - 06/14/08 05:31 PM
Speak, sing, whatever

Sam Hacker
Posted By: mglinert Re: Preventing aggravation while posting - 06/16/08 09:07 AM
Reference to Ryszard's opening post and to Sam's surname, now pay attention GS!!!

(took me a while to follow it too!!)

Posted By: Cornet Nev Re: Preventing aggravation while posting - 06/28/08 08:52 PM
Using XP SP2 and I think earlier operating systems have the facility to copy and paste via a right mouse click, after highlighting all you have written, saves beggering around with keyboard buttons. For an on board spelling checker, Internet explorer has one available, as also Firefox, these spell check in the posting box as you type, by underlining in red, a miss spelled word. Hitting the back button should work to retrieve for copying to re-paste in a fresh posting box.
Posted By: lantus Re: Preventing aggravation while posting - 07/17/08 04:06 PM
My solution is to open up word when I know I'm going to post and compose the post in word and the cut and paste. saves time and effort.
Posted By: SeaMus Re: Preventing aggravation while posting - 10/21/08 06:49 PM

<CTRL><A> and <CTRL><C>


Yeah. Big time. What he said.
Posted By: NoKey Re: Preventing aggravation while posting - 10/25/08 08:02 PM
To me the MAIN problem is the keyboard, specially with laptops.

I solved a lot of that with a wireless keyboad.

But I believe that the problems started when Microsoft came out with its "Windows" key layout and the 'win-logo key" and a "menu-key", and putting the CTRL KEY and the Alt keys TWICE (one on the left and one on the right).

PLUS the fact that now there is no real standad as to where the UP-DOWN-LEFT keys, AND the HOME, DELETE, INSERT, PAGEUP, PAGEDOWN keys. THEY ARE ALL IN DIFFERENT places for all different brands and even within models of the same brand.

This is a TERRIBLE situation, I'd say. It's as if in a car the clutch and brakes were duplicated, or were among various other "newer" pedals to facilitate where you want to "drive to".

It's unbelievable: we have ISO standards FOR SOFTWARE but not for HARDWARE!

ALSO, the quality of the keyboard switches is nowdays TERRIBLE, compared to when IBM came up with the personal computer and brought us much better keyboards and layouts.

Those were layouts that were designed for typing. NOT FOR MULTI-MEDIA.
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