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Posted By: Glenda newbie - 01/03/12 08:18 PM
I recently downloaded BB and RB. I previously had an older version of power tracks. I use a motif 88 keyboard to record songs into RB. I can play, record and even assign different tracks for different instruments. THis all plays through a sound system I have my keyboard attached too. I used the yamaha drivers within RB. My question is?? when I assign a style it shows up on the track but there is no play back. This feature is totally new to me so I am sure there is something I am doing wrong. Can anyone help.
Posted By: Matt Finley Re: newbie - 01/03/12 09:08 PM
Hi Glenda, and welcome back!

First, just so you know, this forum is for giving out advice, not asking for it, so you should post in the Realband forum (and maybe the BIAB one too). Your post will get a lot more visibility there.

Second, a few clarifying questions please. Are you talking about RB or BIAB? Are you talking about MIDI styles or RealStyles or selecting RealTracks? If you could give your exact steps, what you want to do, and what it did or did not do, that would help us.
Posted By: Glenda Re: newbie - 01/03/12 09:30 PM
Sorry about being in the wrong forum.
What I was trying to do was after recording a song using my motif keyboard was to add a style, it showed up on the track but couldn't hear any sound from that track. The one I had recorded was coming through fine on my stereo. This was in Real Band.
When I am in BIAB get this message, "Audio and /or Dxi Output will be silent. The ASIO4ALL driver is not connected, likely due to your using a soft-synth (like GS-wavetable for midi. REboot windows if this persists." The sound comes through my stero as long as I have the yamaha connected bit when I don't, there is no sound.
Posted By: Matt Finley Re: newbie - 01/03/12 10:18 PM
I can't help with that, but definitely post these details on the RealBand forum. There are many there who use keyboards who should be able to help you.
Posted By: Glenda Re: newbie - 01/04/12 12:03 AM
Thank you
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