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Anyone using RB 2024 windows 64 getting " Check -559038737 - - 559026163 -0 -0 " error when loading SEQ files created in RB 2022 that played perfectly in RB 2022? Top left of screen says "Loading effects" endlessly., File in question has no audio just MIDI tracks. Not using any soft synth instruments - all tracks routed to 2 external Roland MIDI sound modules through Midisport Box.

BTW this does not happen with all SEQ files. Just to add to the mystery.

Not I
Maybe send that to Support (or via a Chat Session) and see if they have a clue.
The error may help programmers figure it out.
Top Left has the message?
Or did you mean the right side top?
Most errors that happen in a top corner are on the right corner ..
Thanks , PG did send a fix which I will try tomorrow ,.BTW "Loading effects" was indicated in upper left of screen. It was caught in an apparent endless loop!
Cool, hopefully it helps
PG fixes did not work. Still waiting for a solution
Any chance you had BB plugin in use when saving those .SEQ files? If so, maybe remove it temporarily, until there's a fix for the BB plugin. Press the Options button and select Remove VST Plugin From List. Older versions of the BB Plugin used to work in PT/RB. Thanks.

Attached picture remove_BB_Plugin_for_now.jpg
Attached picture remove_BB_Plugin_for_now2.jpg
Thanks Jeff, In the interim your support person Chantille sent me my song file back with the BB VSt Plugin removed & the file plays perfectly. I also went back to my original file to see if I had used any midi VST synth instruments . The answer was no. And the song file did not have any audio tracks just midi. So I was not using any VST plugins at all as far I as I can determine. So not sure why error was happening.
Temporarily removing the BB plug-in in RB should prevent it from occurring again . That message seems to only occur when the BB plug-in is being used by RB. It didn’t occur with older versions of the plug-in. Thanks.
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