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Posted By: rscroggin ez drummer as a vst plug in - 03/27/11 12:54 AM
I am considering purchasing ez drummer to use as a vst plug in.
I found some old posts(07 01 10) on the forum that indicated there were some issues.

Has anyone anyone used ez drummer recently.

Any input you might have would appreciated.
Posted By: rharv Re: ez drummer as a vst plug in - 03/27/11 01:26 PM
The issues with the tempo clock not being sent to the plugin still exist as far as I know.
Posted By: royj Re: ez drummer as a vst plug in - 03/27/11 04:02 PM
rharv is correct. I use both ez drummer and SD2.0 - I cannot get ez to work with RealBand. You cannot audition the midi groove before you drag and drop. Full VST support has been on the wishlist for PG to address for about 5 years now (and counting)but this has not been forthcoming. Jamstix and a few other plugins are also problematic in RealBand.

What you can do is save all tracks to individual files and import them into another DAW. You can then use any VST plugin that requires some form of tempo clock sync. Unfortunately even though RealBand is a great package it still has some shortcomings generally found a standard features in other DAWS.
Posted By: Rob Helms Re: ez drummer as a vst plug in - 03/27/11 04:17 PM
I use Jamstix 3 and can not use it to the fullest in PT or RB, and therefore only use it as a static drum machine. In MTS, Reaper, and MC5 i can allow it to construct a drum track.
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