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Posted By: gordyweb notation from BiaB to RB????? - 05/15/11 06:41 PM
Another (probably) dumb question.
When I import a song (chords and notation) from BiaB to RB, the chords show, but the notation does not, even though RB plays the notation that I enterd in BiaB.
Is there a way to bring along the notation with the chords???
Posted By: rharv Re: notation from BiaB to RB????? - 05/15/11 08:10 PM
Do you have the tracks you want to see the notation for highlited?

RB allows viewing individual tracks (or multiple tracks) in the notation window. If only one track is highlited you won't see all the notes.

Hold ctrl and click on desired tracks to select multiple tracks.
Posted By: gordyweb Re: notation from BiaB to RB????? - 05/15/11 11:50 PM
A tousand tanks!!!!!
You sure had the right answer.
(I did say it was a dumb question, didn't I??)
Thanks again.
Posted By: Shastastan Re: notation from BiaB to RB????? - 05/16/11 12:24 AM
@Gordy... We all ask questions that we might consider "dumb" sometimes. Thankfully, there are nice folks like rharv on here to help us out. I've found that if there are drop down menus or popups, you have to really look closely which boxes may checked or unchecked. I was looking for some notation today and discovered that the bass clef box had not been checked. I didn't think the notes were low enough for them to be in the bass clef. I guess it shows that I'm not a piano player. .
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