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Posted By: jimandpat realtracks missing - 03/01/12 10:52 PM
hi im new to biab and realband have been following tutorials but when i come to inserting real tracks in both it says there not there i installed them into the biab folder
i have the real band 2011v and biab 2011.5 can you point me in the right direction thanks maverick
Posted By: gypsyrosegracie Re: realtracks missing - 03/01/12 11:30 PM
ahhh.....just had this problem...look in c/bb scrol to the real tracks folder and you see the tracks there? if you don't see them all you will prob have to load them from disk again...(I had to reload 2 additional times)...if so go back TO RB and right click on a track your real tracks should populate then all you have to do is select the track you can also demo the track by double clicking...hope this helps
Posted By: jimandpat Re: realtracks missing - 03/03/12 01:11 AM
hi thanks for reply getting a message saying
mgu is not a valid 32 application im running it on winxp x86 band in a box works okay cant get realtracks to work in realband ore biab
thanks for any advice
Posted By: PeterGannon Re: realtracks missing - 03/03/12 02:18 AM
You need to find out where your RealTracks are:

- if they are in c:\bb\realtracks folder, then go into Prefs-RealTracks in Band-in-a-Box and set that as the RealTracks location.

- Regarding the "mgu is not a valid application", you need to run Band-in-a-Box, and choose File-Utilities-Associate File types, that way you can click on a song to load it. (or just open them within BB)
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