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Posted By: FLAN Bass line not following chord sheet---help? - 04/07/12 08:15 PM
Hey Guys (and Gals):

This is interesting.

I cranked up a new tune in BB.

I tweaked the foundations good enough, and was willing to "cook" the trax in off I went.

Welp, the first thing I noticed was that (for at least the first 8 bars; which, incidentally is an "intro") the Bass line did NOT track properly as per the SLASH chords presented in the chord sheet.



So, I've got this airy C2 and C5 thing going with the intention of the Bass suggesting a minor chordal tone by playing an Ab (which really adds some nice color)...etc.

No go.

The Bass plays everything EXCEPT this stinkin' Ab.

Huh? Errrrrrrr.


I've tried a few things: Re-entered the chords in the chord sheet and I've "Regenerated" the specific track AT the specific bars.

No go. Still the same...the Bass ignores the slashed Ab.


Now, happily, with my gear, I can substitute this with something I personally can generate...but um, why is this happening?

One of many questions I guess. I wonder if anyone had this problem...or...maybe someone can offer up some sage advice?

Thank you!
FLAN - you don't mention whether you are trying to do this via midi bass or RT.

RTs can be finicky and remember they have to have been originally played with the effect you want. For interest sake, have you tried it in another key?

Are you trying to do it in MIDI where it is most likely to be successful? Little things like that are why I do bass in midi, then render to audio.

Let us know what you find.

Posted By: ROG Re: Bass line not following chord sheet---help? - 04/07/12 10:32 PM
I'm having trouble understanding the chord structure here. Surely, the Ab in the C chord will give you C augmented, which predisposes the taking out of the 5th? Alternatively, you've got C2b6 giving the notes C D E G Ab. I can see where a realtrack might throw in the towel at this one. Without hearing the whole piece, it's impossible to say it won't work, but I agree with Ian - play it as midi.


So, I've got this airy C2 and C5 thing going with the intention of the Bass suggesting a minor chordal tone by playing an Ab (which really adds some nice color)...etc.

That should actually sound nice. Don't know why the C5/Ab is not working for you. Can you try another similar chord like a AbMaj7 or AbMaj7b5
Posted By: FLAN Re: Bass line not following chord sheet---help? - 04/09/12 11:11 AM
Ian: Yes, I'm using RT's in this case.

Jazzmandan: Interesting, that's worth a try eh?

ROG: There's no 3rd. C is the atonal "center" (if you will); however the bass line goes to Ab, F, Bb, then back to C2...THEN it shifts to a major tonality from there.

Think C as the natural root minor tone in the 6th degree...then go from there (or if you prefer, the key of Eb perhaps).

Thanks all, I'll try and tweak it again.

I did have a passing thought of punching in a G# vs. an Ab; maybe the program would act differently? Who knows.

More on this later I suppose.
Posted By: ROG Re: Bass line not following chord sheet---help? - 04/09/12 12:55 PM
FLAN -just in passing, congratulations on just becoming an "enthusiast".

Assuming the 6th degree is a minor 6th, not major, I get the C5 with the Ab bass - it sounds nice. Do I understand it right that you're leaving out the 3rd from the C2? That's the bit I'm having trouble with. Sorry if this isn't actually helping with your problem - I just find it really interesting. It would be great if you could post a link to the finished piece.

Posted By: FLAN Re: Bass line not following chord sheet---help? - 04/09/12 01:40 PM
Hey ROG,

Ha...yeah, didn't even notice...hmmm...must be a 100 post threshold thing.


Got to figure this Bass thing out.

If I EVER get the thing done (and most emphaticaly it WILL be <4.5 minutes!)

Still green...very, very green with this whole BB/RB approach, and it capabilities.

Some folks are SO good at it...that does give me hope though.

Much to learn!

FLAN -just in passing, congratulations on just becoming an "enthusiast".

Now you get to learn the secret handshake...
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